Monthly Archives: June 2014

Profile: Ramesses II

By | June 10, 2014

[June 10, 2014] A pattern emerges from the study of great leaders demonstrating that many of those who are the greatest of leaders were successful at both governance and military leadership. This pattern holds for Ramesses II (1303 BC – 1213 BC), also known as Ramesses the Great – the third Egyptian pharaoh of the 19th dynasty. He… Read More »

Destructive Habits for Leaders

By | June 9, 2014

[June 09, 2014] Effective leadership means the leader should be regularly identifying and eliminating their bad habits; those that affect their leadership. Bad habits make it much more difficult to be successful leaders. Mountains of self-help articles and books are written, seminars given, and academic courses taken on how to eliminate bad habits.1 Leaders, of course, are subject… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | June 7, 2014

[June 07, 2014] Another good book for today. This one is about President Abraham Lincoln and his development of leadership skills during the U.S. Civil War. What I like about the book is it shows how Lincoln’s search for an effective commander of Union military forces, helped changed him during his Presidency. The book demonstrates that leadership is… Read More »