Monthly Archives: August 2014

We Were Off-Line for a While

By | August 14, 2014

[August 14, 2014] It always seems to happen at a busy time. was down for about 8 hours and just returned to normalcy a few minutes ago. My apologies for any inconveniences experienced while we were off-line. This is not the first time but hopefully the last. It looks like my webhost made a few mistakes that… Read More »

“Success is the Daughter of Failure”

By | August 13, 2014

[August 13, 2014] At a recent graduation ceremony, the speaker said that “People just hate to fail, but there’s simply no escaping the fact that success is the daughter of failure.” U.S. Navy Admiral “Sandy” Winnefeld, Jr.,1 speaks frequently and passionately about the art of command. For him, command means leading change, as well as possessing certain values… Read More »

Khmer Rouge Leaders Convicted

By | August 13, 2014

[August 13, 2014] “It’s all ancient history so forget about it.” I was told by a number of political science professors that what happened in the country of Cambodia is unimportant in today’s world. The legacy of the “killing fields” that resulted in the death of approximately 2 million Cambodians, out of a population of 8 million, was… Read More »

The Rise of Narcissism

By | August 12, 2014

[August 12, 2014] In 2006 a senior U.S. Army officer had his Bronze Star medal revoked; it had been awarded for exception service in combat. I had the sad duty to write the justification to remove this award because of the officer’s highly toxic command climate during this combat tour. This was well before the subject of command… Read More »

The Watts Race Riots: 1965

By | August 12, 2014

[August 12, 2014] Los Angeles, California nearly 50 years ago experienced one of the worse riots in American history. The Watts Race Riots took place August 11 to 17, 1965 and involved massive racially-fueled violence. Many have studied the riots and a number of lessons for city government have come from that effort. There is usually an “inciting… Read More »