Daily Archives: January 30, 2016

Bad Timing for Propaganda Speeches

By | January 30, 2016

[January 30, 2016]  On this date in 1943, the Royal Air Force began a daylight massive bombing of Berlin, the Nazi capital.  It was to coincide with the 10th anniversary of Hitler’s rise to power.1  The British knew that Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and other high ranking officials would be giving speeches on this day about the… Read More »

The Bombastic Leadership Style

By | January 30, 2016

[January 30, 2016]  For those of us who study leadership, we know that style varies over circumstances and over time.  Each individual leader has their own preferable way of leading others; one they are most comfortable with and have had past achievements using.  The bombastic leader is a popular approach for a leadership style. One of my favorite… Read More »