Monthly Archives: January 2016

Never Leave a Soldier Behind

By | January 20, 2016

[January 20, 2016]  There’s an old saying among troops in militaries across time and cultures that you never leave a soldier behind.  This is part of the warrior ethos that brings them together on the battlefield and explains, in part, the band of brothers (sisters) phenomenon we know so well. Of course, this saying applies to all military… Read More »

Military Blunders: Leadership Failure or Not?

By | January 17, 2016

[January 17, 2016]  Military blunders are fascinating for their mystery and tragic for their death and destruction.  The inevitable question asked in each case was whether or not each was a failure of leadership or of something else.  Interestingly, militaries have studied the failures of armed forces for generations but the lessons learned are not always the right… Read More »

Watch Out for Grazing Fire

By | January 16, 2016

[January 16, 2016]  While in the U.S. Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, all new second lieutenants learn about Grazing Fire and to watch out for it when in the attack against a determined enemy.  It’s the type of combat technique that will quickly cut an attacking force to pieces.  Leaders will experience grazing fire, symbolically anyway, whenever… Read More »