Monthly Archives: February 2016

Leader Trends: Do We Encourage Irresponsibility?

By | February 28, 2016

[February 28, 2016]  For a leader to recognize their own weaknesses and to take action to overcome their own human frailties is the ultimate in responsibility.  At least that is what the Roman Stoics would have us believe in – personal responsibility.  Yet, there are those that argue modern leaders intentionally encourage irresponsibility by their own acts and… Read More »

Leadership Issue: Security versus Privacy

By | February 27, 2016

[February 27, 2016]  The FBI’s request of Apple, Inc. to break into a dead terrorist ‘s encrypted iPhone has drawn both criticism and praise from leaders. What it does is provide us with an opportunity to see the tenants of senior leaders making their case for and against a difficult issue; in this particular instance – security versus privacy. Who is missing… Read More »

Reading List (Update)

By | February 26, 2016

[February 26, 2016]  As I write today, we are getting a typical blustery winter day in New York City.  Workers are hurrying about with their faces covered to protect themselves from the high winds and cold temps.  The heavy coats are being worn but everyone still looks “stylish” despite the weather.  Two books for my readers, the one… Read More »

Leadership and Distractions

By | February 25, 2016

[February 25, 2016]   The electronic age is here and with all the advantages it brings, also comes distractions.  On an airport television monitor yesterday I saw a commercial that went something like this … man with new girlfriend introduces her to his friends … without looking up from their smart phones, one friend says “hi” but gets her name wrong …… Read More »

U.S. Flag Raised at Iwo Jima

By | February 23, 2016

[February 23, 2016]  Not long ago as children we once listened to the stories of World War II veterans.  We “played army” with our friends and spent time daydreaming about how we would help America win its battles.  No longer do we talk with WWII veterans as nearly all have passed away.   As a child I was lucky to… Read More »