Monthly Archives: February 2016

Venezuela, Leadership, and Socialism

By | February 21, 2016

[February 21, 2016]  The country of Venezuela continues its economic and social slide downward into the abyss of socialism.  There was hope with the election of new members to  its parliament but their weak efforts have not stemmed the country’s violence, crippling shortages of goods, or loss of jobs.  Venezuela’s President Maduro continues to blame the country’s woes on… Read More »

Too Many Bosses

By | February 20, 2016

[February 20, 2016]  We’ve all seen it happen; you have more than one boss … one who gives you an order and it’s contradicted by someone else in your organization.  Like a child with two parents and grandparents living at home, everyone is telling you what to do.  Having too many bosses and how to handle it is… Read More »

Political Leadership: Thomas Sowell

By | February 18, 2016

[February 18, 2016]  To continue my series on thinkers of refreshing ideas, I’m introducing to my readers Thomas Sowell, economist, conservative commentator, Korean War veteran, and academic.  As readers of know, I’m interested in new and innovative ideas; sometimes emotional but always controversial because they are new.  Sowell meets that standard. I’m most interested in ideas that… Read More »

Opinion: When Firefighters are Heroes

By | February 17, 2016

[February 17, 2016]  After 9/11 when terrorists struck the United States homeland, there were many people who emerged as heroes.  Among them were firefighters, police officers, sanitation workers, and yes even ordinary people who were all involved to save people and engaged in the dangerous cleanup effort in New York City, at the Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania.1 In… Read More »

Valentine’s Day is an Opportunity

By | February 14, 2016

[February 14, 2016]  I surprised my wife with a bouquet of pink carnation flowers for Valentine’s Day today and she’s been all smiles since.  But Valentine’s Day is more than just another holiday to purchase something; it means that all of us have an opportunity to do something good for someone we love. “A heart is not judged… Read More »