Monthly Archives: January 2017

Reading List (Update)

By | January 31, 2017

[January 31, 2017]  It’s been about 10 weeks since I posted in my Reading List here at  You’ll find me posting less because people are less interested in finding good books.  I blame that partly on my picks and partly on the fact that people are less interested in reading books that are simply too long; short… Read More »

Learning What Great Leaders Think

By | January 30, 2017

[January 30, 2017]  One sure fire way of improving your leadership skills is learning about how great leaders think.    How and why they think certain ways is crucial to helping replicate their successes.  Unfortunately, this is a particularly difficult task that requires a serious investment in time and study, but it also requires a lot of good luck.… Read More »

Everyone is Replaceable

By | January 28, 2017

[January 28, 2017]  I’ve been a baseball fan since I was 6 years old … being mature enough to appreciate the game.  There were many professional ball players I liked as a child but my favorite player today is Cal Ripken, Jr.   He’s my favorite because he was a great player (now retired) and understood that despite the… Read More »

Leaders Are You a PowerPoint Ranger

By | January 26, 2017

[January 26, 2017]  There are a number of military slang phrases and descriptions that are useful in everyday conversation.  For example, when we refer to putting everything we’ve got into something, we might say we gave “the whole nine yards.”1  One recent military phrase that plays on humor describes an office-bound staff officer who creates overly complex briefings… Read More »

Leaders Losing Their Cool

By | January 25, 2017

[January 25, 2017]  Learning from leaders is not always ordained to be from good things they do; although leadership is set by example, for good and bad.  I’m sure all of us have seen leaders who do things that are not just wrong, but are purposefully wrong.  Leaders losing their cool is one example. People get angry … leaders… Read More »

What Senior Leaders Say

By | January 22, 2017

[January 22, 2017]  The study and observation of senior leaders in action is required for learning how to be effective leaders.  This past Friday, I promised to provide feedback on the transition of Donald Trump into the presidency of the United States.  I will occasionally come back to this.  For today the topic will be President Trump’s Inauguration… Read More »