Monthly Archives: January 2017

The New U.S. President

By | January 20, 2017

[January 20, 2017]  Opportunities to look into the interworkings of senior leadership occur occasionally; most prominently when there is a transition in leadership.  Earlier today, Donald Trump became the 45th president of the United States.  In part because mass media is hostile to his presidency but more so because he is an authentic leader, I think those of… Read More »

Perfect Discipline?

By | January 20, 2017

[January 20, 2017]  The first book I ever read that dealt seriously with the topic of leadership and discipline was General George S. Patton’s book (1982 edition), War As I Knew It.1  For the U.S. military, the early 1980s was a time of change; moving from the legacy tactics of Vietnam to a modern, brigade-centric combat force. “There… Read More »

Great Leaders Inspire

By | January 19, 2017

[January 19, 2017]  Great leaders know instinctively that those who can inspire others to learn, be, and do more in their lives possess the best and rarest leadership skills.1  They know that it’s not their title that makes them great, the money they are paid, or the number of followers; greatness only comes from inspiring others to achieve… Read More »

Respect the Position

By | January 13, 2017

[January 13, 2017]  I was a newbie to the U.S. Army back in the mid-1970s when I joined as a Private.  On my first day in the army, my knowledge of military culture was about to be improved when I failed to salute an officer.  Failure to render a proper salute is, of course, a big deal and… Read More »