Monthly Archives: January 2017

Pashtunwali:  A Strong Code of Ethics

By | January 11, 2017

[January 11, 2017]  Pashtunwali … if you’re reading this, then you’ve likely never heard this word spoken aloud.  The meaning, of course, will elude you but most importantly you will never understand its full meaning as intended. You cannot understand fully the code of ethics of Pashtunwali unless you’ve personally lived it from childhood.  No amount of study… Read More »

Transitioning to New Leadership

By | January 6, 2017

[January 6, 2017]  There comes a time when new leadership arrives and good leaders make sure that any leader transition is as effective and efficient as possible.  When U.S. President George Washington turned over the leadership of American to John Adams, Washington established a precedent whereby he ensured not only that it would be peaceful but that Adams… Read More »

Make Good from Bad

By | January 4, 2017

[January 4, 2017]  A friend of mine, a newly promoted U.S. Army Major at the time, was assigned on a normal rotation from Company Command to a Personnel Administration position.  As an Infantryman, the assignment was not good for his career but more importantly, as he was to discover, the people were unprofessional at his new location.  Yet,… Read More »