Monthly Archives: March 2017

Reading List (Update)

By | March 31, 2017

[March 31, 2017]  Spring has finally arrived and with that our trees are starting to bloom and the lingering snow melt away.  I noted in my Reading List Update from January that I’m posting less on leadership books.  That doesn’t mean I’m any less interested or that my reading tastes have changed.  Nor does it mean that I’ve… Read More »

Remember Goliad?

By | March 27, 2017

[March 27, 2017]  If you’re an American, then you are familiar with the famous 1836 Battle of the Alamo where the Texan defenders refused to surrender to Mexican forces and were destroyed.  The rallying cry “Remember the Alamo” helped stir America and the world.  Yet there was another battle shortly thereafter the Alamo which also helped boost patriotism… Read More »