Monthly Archives: April 2017

Why Study Amelia Earhart?

By | April 13, 2017

[April 13, 2017]  Those who study leadership find common ground when learning about great leaders of the past; the benefits being clear.  So why would we, as a matter of limited time available to us, want to study Amelia Earhart who was a famous pilot in early aviation history? “Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn’t be… Read More »

Sports Lessons: Full Contact Jousting

By | April 12, 2017

[April 12, 2017]  Jousting is an old European martial sport originating sometime in the High Middle Ages1 and being popular among the Anglo-Norman knighthood because it showed courage, strength, endurance, and glory.  Today it’s being revived and it is a manly endeavor.  Some say it is accurately described as the world’s most dangerous sport in history. Louis Zamperini,… Read More »