Monthly Archives: July 2017

Character versus Leadership Skills

By | July 20, 2017

[July 20, 2017]  As I sit here at Boy Scout summer camp the temperature is hot and the humidity oppressive but I’m thoroughly enjoying myself … and getting an education.  The experience does remind me why I’ve always had great respect for those adult leaders who happily volunteer their time to teach Boy Scouts the importance of character… Read More »

Core Values: Delta Airlines

By | July 19, 2017

[July 19, 2017]  Whether we know it or not, we all have core values and those values are a foremost influence on our ability to thrive at what we do and succeed in those things we love.  Delta Airlines is one of those organizations that has managed to instill crucial core values into their leadership team and employees;… Read More »

Fear: the Last Frontier

By | July 14, 2017

[July 14, 2017]  On my way back from visiting my doctor, I was listening to a local FM station personality talking about how we Americans overrate the fear factor in our daily lives.  For example he noted that tomorrow’s high temperature is predicted to be in the mid-90s and considered “highly dangerous.”  He asked rhetorically whether the citizens… Read More »

Venezuela: Leadership Blinded by Ideology

By | July 13, 2017

[July 13, 2017]  From a practical viewpoint, leaders should be free from ideology, dogma, and preconceived ideas so they will behave properly and make the best decisions possible.  In the case of the current leadership of Venezuela, that is not the case.  President Nicolás Maduro, successor to socialist leader Hugo Chávez, is blinded by his anti-capitalist Marxist ideology.… Read More »

Your Behavior Tells Us about Your Values

By | July 12, 2017

[July 12, 2017]  Our behavior is constantly under observation.  That is so because that’s how people learn about others and it’s both normal and acceptable.  Despite the fact that we are humans and often make erroneous judgments, generally people are more right than wrong about drawing conclusions based on their observations of other human beings. Leaders are more… Read More »