Monthly Archives: July 2017

Welcome to Hell March at the G20 Summit

By | July 8, 2017

[July 8, 2017]  The greatest leaders of all time have spoken messages of hope and courage to their people; messages that are also clear, essential, and on message.  The annual world leader G20 Summit in Hamburg, Germany is being met with Welcome to Hell marches that threaten the economic fabric of participating industrial nations.  But the anti-G20 leaders… Read More »

The 4th of July and France

By | July 4, 2017

[July 4, 2017]  It is incumbent upon all leaders to remember and recognize important historical events for their present-day leadership value and for the significance in our society.  To do otherwise would make us irresponsible, obviously ignorant, and ill-mannered.  Such it is that we should remember the march of U.S. troops in Paris, France exactly 100 years ago… Read More »

Hero: Davy Crockett

By | July 3, 2017

[July 3, 2017]  As we look back across time it is difficult to ascertain the qualities of most of humankind’s best leadership except for those who have made deep contributions.  Davy Crockett is one of those who tackles our imaginations and pricks our interest in many ways.  He is a true American folk hero and fits that mold… Read More »