Monthly Archives: August 2017

Leadership and the Battle over Stereotypes

By | August 30, 2017

[August 30, 2017]  The psychology of human beings is an enlightening realm of study even for the most casual leader.  The reason is that people are both predictable and unpredictable; the science of psychology will forever work at narrowing the unpredictable.  Learning to understand why people use stereotypes and its affects is a concern for leaders everywhere. Leaders… Read More »

Internet Problems: Woe is Me [Updated]

By | August 29, 2017

[August 29, 2017]  [Updated]  Finally the Internet is back up and I’m slowly reconnecting all my devices with the new modem.  Thanks for everyone’s patience. [August 29, 2017]  Yesterday afternoon my cable modem gave up the ghost. Now it will be late today before I’m fully operational.  At that time I’ll post today’s blog entry entitled “A Well-Articulated… Read More »

Income Inequality:  the U.S. versus Venezuela

By | August 27, 2017

[August 27, 2017]  Occasionally I run across someone who takes a new perspective on things; combining ideas that have been discussed before regarding leadership and how leaders should help educate others.  That is the case with Ami Horowitz, documentary filmmaker, who recently released a video on income inequality and combined it with the topics of socialism, Venezuela, and… Read More »

A New U.S. Strategy in Afghanistan?

By | August 26, 2017

[August 26, 2017]  In the run-up to the U.S. presidential election last year, candidate Donald Trump said on several occasions that America should pull out of Afghanistan.  Earlier this week, during a prime-time address to the nation, now-president Trump announced a new strategy to defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan. Studying how strategy is made and its component parts… Read More »