Monthly Archives: September 2017

Clearing the Spindle: Politics

By | September 21, 2017

[September 21, 2017]  It’s difficult to cover all the topics of leadership and provide good examples so, by the very nature of space limitations, I’m starting a “clearing the spindle” post. Noted here on several occasions I’ve noted how citizens of the United States and many other nations have less faith and confidence in their politicians.  Whether it… Read More »

Leadership Toolbox: The Stand-down

By | September 20, 2017

[September 20, 2017]  Back in my early unmarried days, I had the opportunity to take a graduate-level course in Organizational Theory and Practice.  I sat in on one of the most intellectually useful academic courses of a lifetime because of the “professor” (a retired U.S. Marine and now a manufacturing CEO) taught us about useful leadership tools.  One… Read More »

Race, Leadership, and Moral Failure

By | September 19, 2017

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [September 19, 2017] In the small circle of government-inspired writers, it is exciting – in its own tortuous way – to know that that you’ve reached an apex of bloggership when website gives you a special moniker that looks like a cat (smart, sly, seductive) and allows any topic as… Read More »

Reading List (Update): The Confederates

By | September 18, 2017

[September 18, 2017] Warning for those with a fragile mind, hypersensitivity to reading things about events during the U.S. Civil War, or are a college “snowflake” … this book review may cause you to require mental counseling. I’m just kidding of course; as I don’t expect readers of this leadership blog to be such a person. Today’s review… Read More »

The Battle of Antietam

By | September 17, 2017

[September 17, 2017]  This date in history is well-known in the annals of humankind for September 17th produced a number of life-changing events for Americans and most Western nations.  For example, this was the date in 1787 that the U.S. Constitution was signed, in 1939 the Soviet Union invaded Poland as part of that war’s beginning, and in… Read More »

The Iraqi Osirak Nuclear Research Facility

By | September 16, 2017

[September 16, 2017]  In early 2007 the Iraq War between a “coalition of the willing” and Iraqi insurgents was not going as planned for the U.S. and its allies.  U.S. President Bush announced a “surge” of troops to compensate for too little forces operating there.  To expand coalition operational area, the Osirak nuclear research facility was one of… Read More »

Leaders Playing it Safe

By | September 14, 2017

[September 14, 2017]  My young son loved watching early morning television and his favorite show was Barney & Friends (see official site link here).  In addition, he had a Barney stuffed animal which he slept with until he was about 8 years old.  The character Barney, like some leaders today, spends his time playing it safe.  For a… Read More »

The Halls of Montezuma

By | September 13, 2017

[September 13, 2017]  Several years ago, a small group of us “grunt” Infantrymen were invited to attend a formal U.S. Marine Corps’ Mess Night with the 2nd Battalion, 9th Marines (Infantry).  We had much in common as our primary job in defending the nation has always been to “close with and destroy the enemy.”  That night U.S. Army… Read More »