Monthly Archives: September 2017

Red Lines and Leadership

By | September 10, 2017

[September 10, 2017]  On August 20, 2012, U.S. President Barack Obama used the phrase “red line” in the context of warning Syrian President Assad that the use of chemical weapons was a point at which the United States would take firm action against that country.  A relatively new term –but old concept –the idea of red lines means… Read More »

Profile: John S. Mosby

By | September 7, 2017

[September 7, 2017]  Those who have fought in war possess a unique perspective on the duty one holds when in combat with the enemy.  War has a deep impact on those who are involved in the violence, more so than commonly understood.  Success, however, is determined by those traits we possess prior to battle, not those developed within. … Read More »

How to Send a Clear Message to North Korea

By | September 5, 2017

[September 5, 2017]  Those familiar with the dictatorship of North Korea and its socialist system know that its leadership can be unpredictable, bellicose, demanding, and as of late has practiced nuclear brinkmanship.1  Since the armistice was signed in 1953, ending three years of bloody warfare, Americans have consistently put off any real solution to the hermit nation. Strategic… Read More »

Never Blame the Messenger

By | September 2, 2017

[September 2, 2017]  Experience tells us that during our lifetime there will be many difficult situations and there will be a message to be found somewhere about what we need to learn from them.  Often that message is brought to us by someone else, giving us bad news that we don’t want to hear.  Since before recorded history… Read More »