Monthly Archives: October 2017

Leader Transparency

By | October 21, 2017

[October 21, 2017]  Corruption, moral depravity, cruelty, criminality… all these things are believed to disappear if only there was sufficient leader transparency.  While perceived as achieving grand results, the truth is that while transparency is good it is also somewhat overrated in its effect.  Transparency does work but few of us know what it is about. The days… Read More »

Accurate Thinking

By | October 20, 2017

[October 20, 2017]  There’s a saying that one of the most difficult skill for a leader to gain and maintain is thinking clearly and accurately.  At first glance, one would not think it that much of an obstacle but the experience of senior leaders says otherwise.  Accurate thinking means several things; most important of all is they do… Read More »

The Battle of Cedar Creek & the Battle Today

By | October 19, 2017

[October 19, 2017]  On this date, October 19, 1864, during the American Civil War, Confederate General Jubal Early launched a surprise attack against Union General Philip Sheridan’s forces.  After a furious battle, Early’s forces were routed and at the conclusion, the Confederate invasion of the North was effectively ended.  Today, there are those in the U.S. who want… Read More »

Hero: Patriot Guard Riders

By | October 18, 2017

[October 18, 2017]  In these pages at I occasionally highlight a hero; usually an individual who has shown great physical or moral courage.  These men and women were willing to stand up and put themselves in harm’s way to risk everything.  One group that I consider my heroes for the past several years is the Patriot Guard… Read More »

… Keep Your Powder Dry

By | October 16, 2017

[October 16, 2017]  War is an awesome yet terrifying activity of humans.  The destructiveness, especially of total war, far exceeds our intellectual abilities to fully understand it as a force that destroys.  That is why it is a fundamental responsibility for senior leaders stand at the ready to protect those who would be harmed by the effects of… Read More »