Monthly Archives: November 2017

Old but Good Professional Guidance!

By | November 30, 2017

[November 30, 2017]  This morning I was flipping through a favorite book that I’d bought in 1983 just after being commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army.  The book, the 42nd Edition of The Army Officer’s Guide, is probably one of the best overall books providing countless lessons for the junior leader.  Those lessons from 40 years… Read More »

Spending Effort Unlearning

By | November 28, 2017

[November 28, 2017]  The Greek philosopher Antisthenes once said: “The most useful piece of learning … is to unlearn what is untrue.”  As a new trend, many educators have jumped on the unlearning bandwagon and also began simultaneously misleading us regarding what it is and the merits on which it is based. “Unlearning is the process of letting… Read More »

North Korea: a Dash to Freedom

By | November 27, 2017

[November 27, 2017]  As I watched the video of a North Korean soldier escape into the South, I’m reminded of the East German guard’s “leap to freedom” in 1961.  Both have something in common and that is the desire to flee communism and its dehumanizing effects on its captive citizenry.  Communist North Korea is no place to live.… Read More »

Advice: a Positive Attitude, Respect, and Humility

By | November 24, 2017

[November 24, 2017]  I regularly get calls from young military veterans who have a new job in the civilian world and want some simple advice on how to be successful.  My recommendation is straightforward; have a positive attitude, treat everyone with respect, and maintain your humility. “Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you just put your… Read More »