Monthly Archives: November 2017

Veterans Day and Small Town Leadership

By | November 11, 2017

[November 11, 2017]  A few days ago Boy Scout Troops from across the rural area where I live, gathered at a local Veterans Cemetery to plant American flags on each grave.  Yes, that’s what we call “old-fashioned leadership” and it works like it has always worked.  Communities throughout the world have relied on small-town leadership since the beginning… Read More »

Leaders Never Win By Doing This

By | November 10, 2017

[November 10, 2017]  My commander’s Kevlar helmet went flying across the tent, bouncing off a table, and rolling onto the grass outside.  He’d thrown it out of frustration; his tactical center not getting him the analysis of the “opposing force” battle formation.  Something I had learned long before this event was that there was something you should never… Read More »

Dangerous Traps for Leaders

By | November 9, 2017

[November 9, 2017]  It is being called the “biggest scandal in U.S. Navy history;” over 60 admirals and hundreds of officers under scrutiny for a scandal involving alcohol and prostitutes.”1  The hype is overblown but nevertheless raises the important issue of dangerous traps for leaders. “Every leader has the responsibility to hone his or her integrity.  Many times,… Read More »

Who Else Needs to Know?

By | November 8, 2017

[November 8, 2017]  Written in English and Arabic above the door entering the Tactical Operations Center for Coalition forces occupying Iraq in 2004 and onward, were the words Who Else Needs to Know.1  Our commander, like so many of us, had a number of bad experiences when members of our unit failed to inform him of important events. … Read More »

Leadership Toolbox: Investigations

By | November 5, 2017

[November 5, 2017]  Special counsel Robert Mueller is looking into a potential coordination between U.S. President Trump’s campaign and Russia.  The legal counsel’s look into possible wrong-doing is an example of a formal investigation and an item that all leaders should evaluate as part of their leadership toolbox. This formal investigation, largely open-ended and with considerable power to… Read More »