Monthly Archives: December 2017

With Shortcuts, Come Risks

By | December 9, 2017

[December 9, 2017]  A few years ago one of the U.S. Army’s best machinegun crews was hurt when their gun blew-up.  Why was it, that the best crew could have made a mistake that caused such a preventable accident?  After an internal investigation (required whenever there are serious injuries) it was determined that the crew had taken unauthorized… Read More »

Who Was Armin T. Wegner?

By | December 8, 2017

[December 8, 2017]  In 1784, Robert Burns wrote in a poem1 that “Man’s inhumanity to man causes countless thousands to mourn.”  His inspiration was based on his own poverty in which he lived.  It is poetic, in a sense, that we use his words to describe the horrific genocide perpetrated against the Armenian peoples in the early 20th… Read More »

Recent Stupid Things Leaders Say

By | December 6, 2017

[December 6, 2017]  In September last year during the U.S. presidential elections, candidate Hillary Clinton referred to supporters of her opponent Donald Trump as “deplorables.”  Some say that comment helped doom her campaign.  Yet, politicians are not the only ones who say stupid things. For her campaign, it was one of those moments when clear-headed folks just shook… Read More »

Hands-off Leadership

By | December 3, 2017

[December 3, 2017]  Hands-off leadership, incorrectly referred to as Laissez-Faire leadership, is a topic of intense debate in senior military circles.  Today, I refer to hands-off leaders as those leaders who know what is happening, are not directly involved, trust others to do a good job, but also are who are unwilling to make decisions. This type of… Read More »