Monthly Archives: September 2018

Untapped Ways to Enhance Your Leadership Skills

By | September 20, 2018

By guest blogger Mike Hanski [September 20, 2018]  Keynote speaker and educator Stephen Covey once said: “Leadership is a choice, not a position.” In today’s constantly changing world, ruled by Millennials and Gen Z who are self-expressive, tech-savvy, and creative, leaders should eager for constant improvement if they want to develop career and motivate others to follow them.… Read More »

Leadership Means Being Responsive to Others

By | September 19, 2018

[September 19, 2018]  The U.S. military sometimes embodies, not unlike other complex organizations what I will call, a “culture of slow change.”  If there is, however, one thing that is quick, predictable, and helpful, it is the fact that our troops themselves are highly responsive. Want a mission accomplished?  They are on it quick and decisively.  What an… Read More »

Battle-Hardened Troops: Who are They?

By | September 17, 2018

[September 17, 2018]  I’ve been asked on several occasions to re-publish a few of my older articles on the U.S. military as a way to reintroduce the concept of “effectiveness in teams.”  Today I’ve done that with an article on battle-hardened troops.  Enjoy! [Originally published September 2, 2014]  There are few things more confusing in military debate circles… Read More »

It Takes More than Hard Work …

By | September 15, 2018

[September 15, 2018]  A few long-time readers will recognize this title from a similar article from early last year (see link).  In it I wrote that great leaders understanding people are at the central theme of leadership.  But there is more.  Leadership is also influenced heavily by one’s culture. Culture is an accumulation of behavioral practices that both… Read More »

All Wars Begin before the First Battle

By | September 12, 2018

[September 12, 2018]  Today, I’m visiting Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri to witness an Engineer School graduation.  Being here is a good time for me because I’m reminded of what the school’s Sergeant Major once told me.  ‘When studying any conflict,’ he said, ‘remember that all wars begin before the first battle.’ I thought I understood what he meant… Read More »

What We Learned from the 9/11 Attacks

By | September 11, 2018

[September 11, 2018]  Good leadership means bringing people together for a good cause.  It means that regardless of the circumstance, a leader must make every effort to ensure that our common goals are achieved to the benefit of everyone.  Today, on the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 Islamic attacks on America, is a good time to relook at… Read More »