Monthly Archives: September 2018

Leaders Concentrate on Big Problems First

By | September 10, 2018

[September 10, 2018]  Last week I was at a local college listening to a criminology professor complain about the “epidemic” of police shootings in America.1  A young student asked him what he thought about the Opioid crisis which was responsible for many times more deaths and social ills.  The professor said he didn’t care about that problem.  Frankly,… Read More »

Good Leaders Set Expectations

By | September 9, 2018

[September 9, 2018]  Leadership always means that the best leaders will set expectations and do so clearly and convincingly.  They also set high standards in what they expect of others and manage those expectations carefully; for this is the only way to achieve long-term success. Leaders also hold others and themselves to those standards.  By enforcing them they… Read More »

Too Many Priorities

By | September 5, 2018

[September 5, 2018]  In my U.S. Army career, I had two commanders who were both smart and dedicated … yet each had a similar weakness.  Like every high-level commander, they ran large and complex organizations where they listed important priorities.  The problem was these two had too many priorities. “The bottom line is, when people are crystal clear… Read More »

The Real Labor Day 2018

By | September 3, 2018

[September 3, 2018]  In the United States, Labor Day pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers.  Like all successful nations, the U.S. built its foundation on Christianity and Capitalism.  Despite the hardships of many, we recognize their hard work and patriotism.  Ultimately this is why Labor Day was created. Whether it is a farm laborer,… Read More »

Happy 5th Anniversary: theLeaderMaker

By | September 3, 2018

[September 3, 2018]  Happy “5th” Anniversary to! As everyone knows who regularly reads my leader blog, I post daily on a topic of significance to those interested in improving their leadership skills.  Never is there a shortage of topics.  I still get suggestions from readers.  Please continue to push them my way. Of some interest is a… Read More »