Monthly Archives: November 2018

Slackers, Cowards, and Dummies

By | November 20, 2018

[November 20, 2018]  I was laughing, the kind of laugh we rarely have, while my good friend Frank was telling me about the people where he worked.  You see, Frank is a “character” himself and to hear his stories about acquaintances at work was really entertaining. You see, Frank calls those who he works with, “slackers, cowards, and… Read More »

7 Reasons to Keep a Leadership Journal

By | November 17, 2018

[November 17, 2018]  Only persistent, committed, and intelligent people can become leaders. Without possessing these qualities, you won’t make it to the top. Leaders are inspirational, creative, outstanding people. They not only help themselves but help the others as well. They create distinct visions, analyze new perspectives, and inspire their followers. Leadership is not about ruling over people… Read More »

Chateau Generals

By | November 15, 2018

[November 15, 2018]  Much is to be learned from war whether we want to admit it or not.  Now that we are at the 100th anniversary of the end of the “Great War,” most citizens remain reluctant to revisit the horror so that we may learn valuable lessons.  One lesson is that great leaders do not lead from… Read More »

A Band of Brothers

By | November 14, 2018

[November 14, 2018]  The comradeship of soldiers on the battlefield is well known.  Like the Band of Brothers of World War II fame, made famous by the book and movie, men in war band together for friendship, protection, security, and faith.  Likewise, the recent wars in Iraq and Afghanistan brought people together from across the world and thrust… Read More »