Monthly Archives: January 2019

Who was Wilhelm Röpke?

By | January 25, 2019

[January 25, 2019]  Leadership comes in many forms.  Yet, of the more undervalued leaders, those who provide moral and intellectual arguments for or against a particular idea hold a special role.  Their advocacy can be compelling as it was for Professor Wilhelm Röpke (sometimes spelled Roepke). Wilhelm Röpke (1899 – 1966) devoted his life to combating collectivism in… Read More »

Peace without Victory

By | January 22, 2019

[January 22, 2019]  Leadership often means breaking new ground, going places no one has gone before, and dealing with complex and difficult problems that would overwhelm most people.  In 1914 a great war began that was to ravage much of Europe and test the values of the United States.  U.S. President Woodrow Wilson concluded that it was in… Read More »