Monthly Archives: January 2019

Beginner’s Guide to Female Leadership

By | January 20, 2019

[January 20, 2019]  We live in an exciting era many would justifiably call the time of great opportunities. At no other point in human history were women as educated, confident and involved as they are today, and yet, it seems that when it comes to business, it’s still a man’s world. According to the Brain & Company’s research… Read More »

Showing Moral Courage: Tulsi Gabbard

By | January 17, 2019

[January 17, 2019]  Last week, Hawaii Democrat Representative Tulsi Gabbard, penned an op-ed in which she warned: “Elected leaders who weaponize religion are playing a dangerous game.”1  She is showing moral courage because her statements run counter to the anti-religious ideology of the American Democrat Party. “While I absolutely believe in the separation of church and state as… Read More »

Going Off the Reservation

By | January 15, 2019

[January 15, 2019]  For everything we do in life rules govern how we behave, talk, think and accomplish our missions.  Anytime we fail to do so or go off in an unauthorized direction; there are unpredictable but usually negative consequences.  Going off the reservation is how this is often described. In early 2007 while in combat north of… Read More »

Shouldering Responsibility

By | January 14, 2019

[January 14, 2019]  About two decades ago, psychologists hit upon a discovery that stopped them in their tracks.  They had proposed that the more responsibility people possess, the more stress they have and thus less satisfaction in their life.  It turns out, counterintuitive to their way of thinking, that the tough job of shouldering responsibility is directly related… Read More »

6 Important Tips for Leadership Writers

By | January 12, 2019

[January 12, 2019]  Leadership writing is at the crux of the digital marketing world. Companies that hire leadership writers on behalf of their business for long landing pages report up to 220% more leads. If you want to utilize your expression and communication skills and become a better writer, use these 6 tips. Implementing them will make you… Read More »