Monthly Archives: January 2019

Command Presence

By | January 11, 2019

[January 11, 2019]  You don’t need a chest full of medals, possess a fabulous resume, or have a handsome face to have it.  Command presence is a leader’s projection to everyone present of an advanced form of authority, trust, and respect.  Often described as an allusive quality, command presence is plainly noticeable when you observe someone firmly in… Read More »

Leadership Toolbox: Storytelling

By | January 10, 2019

[January 10, 2019]  Tell a story and people will listen; give them a bunch of facts, and they will run away.  The power of storytelling, especially for an experienced leader, is arguably one of the most effective means to communicate a message. “Storytelling has a narcotic power.” – Robert Harris, a modern English novelist The power of storytelling… Read More »

Race Relations and Observing Failure

By | January 9, 2019

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [January 9, 2019]  Years ago Dr. Condoleezza Rice said something I never forgot.  She said the “United States of America had made enormous progress in race relations, and it is still the best place on Earth to be a minority.”  She is correct, of course, and I couldn’t have said it… Read More »

Hold Your Opinion

By | January 6, 2019

[January 6, 2019]  There are many reasons leaders should express their opinion; especially when their expertise and knowledge is significant or where it would do the most good.  Our leadership training and a vast array of research suggests that an inherent duty of great leaders is to provide a thoughtful opinion.  However, counterintuitive advice advocates that as a… Read More »

Reading List (Update): Self Improvement

By | January 4, 2019

[January 4, 2019]  I couldn’t help it.  Just like my attraction toward the study of grand strategy, I’m drawn to the study of the individual.  More often, I find myself looking for ways to better understand people; usually through direct interaction but also through formal book study.  Creating good habits, knowing what makes up great leadership, what leaders… Read More »

Shining Path Maoist Marxists

By | January 3, 2019

[January 3, 2019]  Communism is a failure.  It has failed historically in every form it takes, regardless of the political environment, an abundance of resources, the power of its leadership, or strength of its citizens.  And so it is with the communist movement known as Shining Path Maoist Marxists who nearly brought the country of Peru to its… Read More »