Monthly Archives: March 2019

Professional Ethics: Journalism

By | March 19, 2019

[March 19, 2019] Modern journalism is at a crossroads. Will those in the profession follow the difficult path that made them so essential to freedom or will they chose the easier path by surrendering to ideological or dogmatic by-products? Leadership in journalism is failing and the repercussions are far-reaching. “Fake news” is a derogatory term used to describe… Read More »

Turkey’s President Erdoğan

By | March 17, 2019

[March 17, 2019] The recent terror attack that killed 49 at two New Zealand mosques has pushed Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan into the news again. Just as U.S. politician Rahm Emanuel said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste,” Erdoğan has again railed against the West for its on-going debauchery and its complacency in the discrimination… Read More »

Defining Failure

By | March 14, 2019

[March 14, 2019] Yesterday, I spoke with several senior officials from a local college near my home. They wanted to understand how to attract more military veterans, and a discussion ensued about what it meant to succeed at college. Then I spoke about how important it was in defining failure to the veteran; specifically, its ramifications when hidden… Read More »

Showing Moral Courage: Nick Sandmann

By | March 13, 2019

[March 13, 2018] Showing moral courage in the face of great adversity is a much more difficult act than showing physical courage in combat. Many combat leaders are known for their bravery in the face of a deadly enemy but wilt when their nerves fail under the spotlight that threatens what they believe. Today, I’m highlighting Nick Sandmann… Read More »