Monthly Archives: February 2022

Morgan Stanley Violates its Core Values

By | February 17, 2022

[February 17, 2022]  With great fanfare, the CEO of Morgan Stanley investment bank announced a new Freshman Enhancement Program in conjunction with Princeton University.1  Morgan Stanley’s program excludes those who are not Black, Hispanic, Native American or LGBTQ+ freshman undergraduate class of 2025.  By doing this, Morgan Stanley violated their core values. Putting aside the issue that anyone… Read More »

5 Tips for Better Teamwork and Collaboration

By | February 16, 2022

[February 16, 2022]  Teamwork makes the dream work and it’s never been more important than in today’s diverse and distributed workplaces. Without a team mentality and established practices for communication and collaboration, companies are prone to organizational silos and a breakdown of leadership. Collaborative teams, on the other hand, are efficient, innovative, and accountable to the company’s goals.… Read More »

Why Can’t You Follow the Rules?

By | February 13, 2022

[February 13, 2022]  My school years were often punctuated by teachers asking me, ‘Doug, why can’t you follow the rules?’  I was never really that good at it.  After joining the U.S. Army, I struggled to follow their rules and would suffer as a consequence.  Understanding why there were rules (regulations, policies, directives, orders, etc.) was helpful but… Read More »

Avoiding Personal Destruction

By | February 9, 2022

[February 9, 2022]  I discovered long ago that motivation makes the difference in how well or poorly we all live our lives.  I also found that avoiding personal destruction and failure was the most common motivational factor for leaders; not struggling for success, not happiness, not good feelings, and not helping the world. That’s right.  The fear of… Read More »

Combat!  The TV Show of my Youth

By | February 8, 2022

[February 8, 2022]  Growing up, us kids had minimal permission to watch television and were restricted to one 30-minute show per evening.  My brother and I chose the TV show Combat!, starring Vic Morrow and Rick Jason.1  This televised war drama series covered the grim lives of a squad of American soldiers fighting the Germans during World War… Read More »