Monthly Archives: November 2022

Offline for a Few Days: Again

By | November 13, 2022

[November 13, 2022]  Last night, I returned from my trip out of town, offline, to be part of my parent’s Memorial service in Houston, Texas.  It was both an emotional and sad trip as our family placed my parents’ ashes in a columbarium next to their church.  Pastor Chris from The Woodlands Methodist Church conducted the service and… Read More »

The Pathology of Victimhood: Dr. Gunderman

By | November 10, 2022

[November 10, 2022]  There is little doubt that the West has a serious attraction to “victimhood”; it’s believed to be a virtue and desirable.  Richard Gunderman, MD, Ph.D., is an experienced doctor and serious thinker about the health of populations.  He takes a strategic look at the West’s victimhood mentality in a recent article titled Pathologies of Victimhood.… Read More »

Election Day 2022: Finally!

By | November 8, 2022

[November 8, 2022]  It’s finally here; Election Day 2022.  In preparation, I was at a friend’s house yesterday – Frank & Terry – to pick up credentials that allow my wife and I into any polling place in our town as “poll challengers.”   We believe that making a difference in our community, state, and nation means going out… Read More »