Monthly Archives: September 2023

Strong Female Character

By | September 5, 2023

[September 5, 2023]  I’m a fan of movie critic Scotsman Will Jordan, aka The Critical Drinker.  I like how he slams modern films because they are written by immature, narcissistic, selfish, woke man-children.  Last year, I wrote about one of his videos explaining why modern movies suck (link here), and it was very popular.  Today, I’m highlighting something… Read More »

My Blog’s 10th Anniversary

By | September 3, 2023

[September 3, 2023]  I started this Blog precisely 10 years ago, shortly after receiving notice from the General Officer Management Office (GOMO) that I would be retiring from the U.S. Army the following May of 2014.  Like everybody at senior rank, I thought I had many more years in me.  I was indeed popular among Soldiers, I had… Read More »

Hero Kid, Loser Teacher

By | September 2, 2023

[September 2, 2023]  By now, most of you will have heard of the “hero” kid who would not back down when his teacher and school administrators ordered him to remove a Gadsden Flag patch from his bookbag.  They wrongly claimed the Gadsden Flag was associated with slavery.  The kid is a hero for his actions. This kid, 12-year-old… Read More »