Monthly Archives: October 2023

Camel Jumping: Who Knew

By | October 20, 2023

[October 20, 2023]  Savage manliness?  Perhaps not.  Camel jumping in Yemen is more of an oddity than a “savage manly” sport … although there are some professional jumpers from the Azraniq tribe who would disagree.  The sport does require considerable strength and agility.  There is some opportunity to get hurt by a fall or the camel kicking the… Read More »

The Information War

By | October 18, 2023

[October 16, 2023]  In any war, there is always a parallel information war.  This has been true since the beginning of time.  Given our reliance on advanced technology, we can get information quickly.  The question is how accurate is that information.  In Israel’s war with Hamas, it is overwhelmingly clear that what we see coming from Hamas is… Read More »

It’s Time to Destroy the Palestinian Culture of Terrorism

By | October 17, 2023

[October 17, 2023]  When faced with an invader that propagates the atrocities we have seen in the recent Hamas incursion into Israel, the only solution is to utterly destroy their culture.  That means a massive and overwhelming force that exacts a brutal retribution upon them until they surrender unconditionally.  Ultimately, that means destroying the Palestinian culture of terrorism.… Read More »

Veterans Affairs Promotes Abortion

By | October 15, 2023

[October 15, 2023]  Just now, coming to light, we are hearing that the Veterans Affairs is promoting abortion and suggesting men can get pregnant (link here).  A leaked VA video promotes abortions and more “medically accurate” terminology, such as “person who is pregnant” over pregnant women.  This action is another self-inflicted scandal that the VA has been embroiled… Read More »

NYC Mayor Adams’s “We Are Not All Right” Rally

By | October 14, 2023

[October 14, 2023]  I’ve had doubts about NYC Mayor Eric Adams, particularly his pandering to special interest groups and missed opportunities.  But, I missed his Sunday, October 10th rally, where he made it clear that New York stands with Israel.  His remarks were made the day after the Hamas terror attacks on Israel.  He says that he not… Read More »

Hamas Reveals the Bigots in our Midst

By | October 13, 2023

[October 13, 2023]  Douglas Murray’s article in the New York Post yesterday flashes a revealing light on the bigots in our midst, the effect of the genocidal attacks by the terrorist group Hamas.  His article, Hamas horror quickly reveals the bigots in our midst begins with his visit to what is called a ‘pro-Palestinian’ rally in Times Square.… Read More »

Smoothing the Rough Edges

By | October 12, 2023

[October 12, 2023]  As a U.S. Army Private, I witnessed a strange event during one of my unit’s formations that stuck with me.  Our Platoon Leader, a new Second Lieutenant, yelled at our platoon one day.  Our Commander strolled out, put his hand on the LT’s shoulder, and calmly gave him some advice.  I couldn’t hear what was… Read More »