Monthly Archives: October 2023

Letters to My Granddaughter, No. 28

By | October 11, 2023

[October 11, 2023]  The sun burned our skin, and the humidity made us feel like we were suffocating.  I remember the relentless sun, incessant bugs, circling buzzards (lots of buzzards), people dragging their kids about, and some adults dressed up in old-fashioned military uniforms.  At the time, I wondered why my Dad had taken this family trip, about… Read More »

White People on a Hike

By | October 9, 2023

[October 9, 2023]  Humor is an art form.  Art comes in many forms: painting, sculpture, literature, architecture, cinema, theater, music, and video/humor.  One of my favorite commentators on the web is Amala Ekpunobi who alerted me to a great piece of comedic stereotyping, title White People on a Hike.  I loved it and laughed’ nearly spitting my morning… Read More »

Israel’s Pearl Harbor

By | October 8, 2023

[October 8, 2023]  John Hinderaker from PowerLineBlog makes an excellent point: this is not Israel’s 9/11 but their Pearl Harbor.  The distinction is well-argued and vital.  Getting the analogy right early in this war helps us set our perspective properly.  This attack is no mere act of Hamas terrorism but is an act of war carried out by… Read More »

Breaking: Israel Under Attack

By | October 7, 2023

[October 7, 2023]  Americans were waking up this morning to the news that Hamas has launched attacks inside Israel from the Gaza Strip.  From all indications, this is a significant effort by Hamas to inflict maximum casualties on Israel.  Some are comparing this to America’s 9/11.  Typically, I do not do early commentary on major developing events, but… Read More »

Family Privilege:  Some Thoughts

By | October 6, 2023

[October 6, 2023]  Steve Hayward of PowerLineBlog has a good article out yesterday (link here) that attempts to explain why “utopian socialists since Plato” and the political “left” hate two-parent families.  The reason, he says, is that intact is that a two-parent family is the greatest privilege today, practiced mostly by whites. Steve includes three charts that are… Read More »

Letters to My Granddaughter, No. 27

By | October 4, 2023

[October 4, 2023] “For the hundredth time, Douglas, stop picking your nose while eating.”  Mom was a stickler for good manners because she was interested in civilizing us kids.  She knew that well-mannered children who say “please” and “thank you” and know how to shake hands, present a genuine smile, and listen politely to adults, then adults will… Read More »

France Proposes to Destroy Tourism

By | October 3, 2023

[October 3, 2023]  France proposes crushing the world’s economy (and their own), one stupid idea at a time.  Emmanuel Macron’s government is actively trying to reduce carbon emissions, which they are doing in peculiar ways.  France is looking to restrict air travel within their country and for everyone radically.  Maybe France hasn’t figured it out yet, but tourism… Read More »