Monthly Archives: November 2023

The Common Sense of Ammo Grrrll

By | November 9, 2023

[November 9, 2023] Susan Vass, better known as Ammo Grrrll from her writings on PowerLineBlog serves us a dose of common sense today, the 85th anniversary of Kristallnacht (the Night of Broken Glass).  Her topic?  It is about being scammed, knowing you are being scammed, and telling people you love being scammed.  This is how she begins: “…think… Read More »

Enabling Failure in Institutions

By | November 8, 2023

[November 8, 2023]  We’ve all seen supervisors who give excuses for employees who are failures in their jobs.  Like the alcoholic whose family enables the alcoholic’s drinking behavior, leaders are also enabling failure in other leaders. Whatever the reason or excuse, there is an emerging trend in U.S. institutions where leaders fail to take quick, effective action to… Read More »

Exposing the Faces of Antisemites

By | November 5, 2023

[November 5, 2023] “Not a Shred of Decency” blares the headlines from the New York Post on their front page.  The paper’s article calls these people “anti-Israel activists,” “Israel haters,” and “loathsome anti-Israeli vandals.”  Of course, the paper is going easy on them with words, but it was the publication of their faces while removing or defacing Israeli… Read More »

Why Veterans Day is so Unsatisfying?

By | November 4, 2023

[November 4, 2023] Why is Veterans Day so unsatisfying?  I have often thought about this question since I retired from the Army.  No, I will not dismiss Veterans Day as a self-congratulatory holiday.  However, to answer that question is not for the faint of heart because the answer forces us to expose the underbelly of American traditions, the… Read More »

Hitler Leads in Poll: NY Times

By | November 3, 2023

[November 3, 2023] This article may surprise most of you but not those who closely study young people.  I was surprised, too.  The New York Times reported the results of a poll conducted with students of the College of Arts and Sciences at Georgetown University.  They asked who is “the most outstanding personality in the world today?”  Hitler… Read More »

Feminists are Consenting to Hamas Rape Culture

By | November 2, 2023

[November 2, 2023] In a recent Tablet article by Gil Troy takes note of the silence of feminists across the world regarding the savage attack of Hamas on women (and families) in Israel.  Many of these same feminists are proudly consenting to the rape. “They particularly relished targeted women – slaughtering them, raping them, cutting babies out of… Read More »