Monthly Archives: August 2024

Race, Character, & the Government: Revisited

By | August 31, 2024

[August 31, 2024]  NOTE:  Ten years ago, I published an article by a new guest blogger who goes by the pen name “Sadako Red.”  He has written several articles about the worship of race and sex in our federal government, as they largely ignore competence.  I was pleased with his work, and I’m bringing this article back because… Read More »

11 Frustrating Things I Learned about Army Leadership

By | August 27, 2024

[August 27, 2024]  Ten years ago, shortly after I retired from the U.S. Army, I wrote down a few frustrating things about Army Leadership.  What I’ve witnessed lately shows that these are more prevalent today than when I retired.  Here is that list. “Toxic” Leaders Do Exist. These leaders have a corrosive effect on any organization and are… Read More »

Trump Will Demand Resignations over Afghanistan

By | August 23, 2024

[August 23, 2024]  This is what Americans need to hear!  In a rally at Asheboro, NC, two days ago, former President Donald Trump pledged that he would demand the resignations of top military officials behind the inglorious Afghanistan retreat. It is hard to find a clearer case for their resignations.  Unfortunately, many of these senior leaders will be… Read More »

Letters to My Granddaughter, No. 90

By | August 22, 2024

[August 22, 2024]  I’m from the poor Deep South, where I can still find my heart.  I relate closely with those living in small towns and on farms, working blue-collar jobs, local volunteers, small church congregations, and truckers.  When people ask where I’m from, I say, “I’m from Mer Rouge, Louisiana.”  Despite not living there for six decades,… Read More »