Monthly Archives: August 2024

Ukraine Troops in Russia

By | August 16, 2024

[August 16, 2024]   Ukraine has taken the fight to the Russian motherland and crossed President Putin’s “red line.”  With Ukraine troops now in Russia, the leaders of the West are beginning to realize there are no serious retaliatory efforts by Russia, at least to this point, almost two weeks later. The move by Ukraine is certainly a masterful… Read More »

European Commission Goose-Steppers

By | August 14, 2024

[August 14, 2024]   While I apologize upfront about the hyperbole “goose-steppers,” I originally erased the title.  I restored it because few other words describe the heavy hand of the European Commission goose-steppers against free speech.  We are fortunate in America that we have the 1st Amendment to the Constitution that guarantees free speech.1 Recently, Elon Musk did a… Read More »

Evil Leaders Who Walk in Sheep’s Clothing

By | August 13, 2024

[August 13, 2024]   Leadership means many things, but ultimately, it means getting people to accomplish a goal.  Leaders come in a range of abilities and outcomes in performance – great, good, bad and, yes, evil.  But there is one category, evil leaders who walk in sheep’s clothing, which deserve special mention. “Watch out for false prophets.  They come… Read More »