Monthly Archives: September 2024

Schuylkill Haven Borough Day

By | September 8, 2024

[September 8, 2024]  It was 36 years ago when a small group of friends gathered in the living room of one of the town’s citizens to discuss how to create something positive.  Since that time, each year, a one-day celebration occurs; they call it Schuylkill Haven Borough Day. In this small central Pennsylvania town, the annual event draws… Read More »

Disfigurement, Decency, and Grace

By | September 7, 2024

[September 7, 2024]   Beauty is more valuable than anything humans can possess.  And while that is true – I believe inherently true – disfigurement of the human form can give rise to other valuable traits: decency and grace.  Dostoevsky wrote in his book The Idiot that “Beauty will save the world.”  I will add that disfigurement can sustain… Read More »

Reagan and Gorbachev on Nuclear Attack Sim

By | September 2, 2024

[September 2, 2024]  Recently, I watched a short video of Michael Malice discussing how U.S. President Reagan and Soviet General Secretary Gorbachev were separately involved in classified simulations with an unexpected outcome.   The idea was to train their senior leaders how to act in case their enemy shot nuclear missiles at their country.  We all have assumptions about… Read More »