55 Rules for a Good Life: Update

By | August 7, 2024

[August 7, 2024]  Two years ago, I published my latest book, 55 Rules for a Good Life.  Since then, many have written me to give an update about how the book was received and asked if I was writing a follow-on book.  Special thanks to all those who took the time to contact me, and I continue to encourage those who have suggestions (or corrections in print) to email me at douglas.r.satterfield@gmail.com.

I had a great deal of fun writing this book.  Many of the “rules” herein were from my military experiences and lessons learned from Soldiers much better than I would ever be.  And thanks to my family for their help, especially my wife Nancy.

And, yes, I’m writing another book to add to these 55 Rules, but this one will have more advanced rules.

Please visit Amazon and other book companies to get a copy of 55 Rules for a Good Life.  Last I saw, it was selling for its original price of about $10.  It’s pretty cheap.

Here are the “rules” that we should live by:

  • Table of Contents:
  • RULE 1: Realize that nobody owes you nuttin’
  • RULE 2: Get used to cold showers; life is tough
  • RULE 3: Never lie, cheat, or steal
  • RULE 4: Aim high, find your mission in life
  • RULE 5: Find someone to help you paddle
  • RULE 6: Know yourself, know your troops, know your enemy
  • RULE 7: Wear your helmet, clean you rifle, carry your rucksack
  • RULE 8: Listen intently to others
  • RULE 9: Be more than you can be
  • RULE 10: Hold the team guidon; be a team player
  • OUTTAKE: It was a “no brainer”
  • RULE 11: Be brave; cowards die a thousand times
  • RULE 12: Be polite, be professional, walk with a big stick
  • RULE 13: The sacrifices you chose to (and must) make
  • RULE 14: Never surrender your sword
  • RULE 15: Develop a thick skin, be mentally tough
  • RULE 16: Stop acting like a 10-year old
  • RULE 17: It’s your turn in the box, be accountable
  • RULE 18: Embrace failure, learn, and move on
  • RULE 19: Be likable, reject being popular
  • RULE 20: Treat yourself well
  • OUTTAKE: The best cup of coffee ever!
  • RULE 21: Learn to read well, write properly, and speak plainly
  • RULE 22: Be loyal to your family
  • RULE 23: Surround yourself with good people
  • RULE 24: Share your foxhole with someone who can fight like the devil
  • RULE 25: Obey the rules but know when to break them
  • RULE 26: Your feelings don’t matter
  • RULE 27: Don’t do stupid
  • RULE 28: Stop wasting your life
  • RULE 29: Ask the right questions
  • RULE 30: Don’t be swayed by fashion, fads, or promises of fun
  • OUTTAKE: Winning every game is not winning
  • RULE 31: Attend funerals
  • RULE 32: Have a backup plan; the enemy has theirs
  • RULE 33: You will be harshly judged by others
  • RULE 34: Tell stories of heroes and their deeds
  • RULE 35: Good intentions alone are only the beginning
  • RULE 36: Protect the weak and innocent
  • RULE 37: Never complain, be part of the solution
  • RULE 38: Aim at being a lion
  • RULE 39: Keep your eye on the ball; see the enemy first
  • RULE 40: Always eat last; that’s how you take care of others
  • OUTTAKE: Hey, watch this!
  • RULE 41: Get scheduled, establish a routine
  • RULE 42: Remember the small things
  • RULE 43: Look for success in others and help them achieve it
  • RULE 44: Check your 6 and protect other people’s backs
  • RULE 45: Find a substitute for alcohol and drugs
  • RULE 46: Exercise daily, stay physically and emotionally fit
  • RULE 47: Make timely and informed decisions, be decisive
  • RULE 48: Be inspirational, be honest, be real
  • RULE 49: Remember your faith
  • RULE 50: Know your values, hold them close
  • OUTTAKE: He was the most dangerous man I ever knew
  • RULE 51: Show your respect; here’s how
  • RULE 52: Take ownership of you
  • RULE 53: Humility, how it’s your best friend
  • RULE 54: Get married, be a couple, have children
  • RULE 55: Find the Dragon; go into the unknown
  • APPENDIX: Good books to read



Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

17 thoughts on “55 Rules for a Good Life: Update

  1. Da Man

    Gen. Satterfield, you are Da Man! I loved your book and found it very impressive with such an extensive and relevant list of “rules” for us to live by. If we look at the history of mankind, we find that these are the very values that good men adopt to rise to the top of their profession and their lives in families. Be very careful not to follow these rules for they are a kind of philosophy of life. Thank you sir for today’s article reminding us what is in your book.

    1. Erleldech

      A great book. Get your copy today of “55 Rules for a Good Life” and you will be happy you did so.

  2. Wellington McBeth👀

    Wow, it is hard to pick my favorite ‘rule’ from this long list of 55 rules but I can say that this is the BEST list of life rules I’ve ever seen in one place.

    1. Mr. T.J. Asper

      Wellington, you nailed it. As a High School teacher I’ve recommended this books to my students from over a year ago and anyone of them who reads it is happy they did so. The only comment I get back from these young teenagers is “how do I follow all these rules”? And that is, of course, the crux of what Gen. Satterfield is telling us. Do you best every single day. Don’t worry about failure, learn from it and move on. Be better tomorrow. Compare yourself today to you, and not to others. Be someone who recognizes they can change for the better.

      1. The Toad

        Thanks for sharing the perspective of your students. Mr. TJ.

  3. Veronica Stillman

    RULE 24: Share your foxhole with someone who can fight like the devil

    This rule is classic Gen. Doug Satterfield. What I think he is saying is that you can be a success at anything you do without the help of others and putting together a team of like-minded folks. And, of course, chose the very best when you do so. If you are fighting for the good life, best to have someone there who is going the same way with the same desires. That is also why he recommends to us that we get married. And that is the person who can share that foxhole of life with you and go the distance. 👀

  4. Neat Man II

    First time I’m seeing this table of contents and they look GREAT. Just by reading the RULES, I am very intrigued. Just ordered the book.

  5. Ron C.

    I purchased a copy of his book “55 Rules for a Good Life” almost the day it came out and have not only read it, but have given copies to family members. We all agree the book was more than worth the cost. I think that Gen. Satterfield wrote the book to give us a chance to share his hard life. These are hard lessons and he learned them the old fashioned way. For those reading his “Letters to My Granddaughter” you can start to see how these same lessons are developing in him early in life. Get a copy of this book today while they are still avaialble.

    1. Liz at Home

      Ron C. thanks for the note and the connecting the dots between his letters and the book which came out a couple of years ago. I have my copy sitting right here on my desk.

    2. Texas Jim

      Right, if someone doesn’t have a copy of this book, they are missing out.

  6. Rev. Michael Cain

    RULE 49: Remember your faith
    I want to commend Gen. Satterfield for not forgetting about having “faith” in our God Almighty. Remember that in this book he is giving us his ideas about what makes for a good life. A good life means to live a life that is useful and fruitful and the only way to ensure that is accomplished is through having a religious life. Others may disagree, but for those who are followers of their faith in God, they know they have chosen the right path and have not let down their fellow man. And they marry and have children. Read all these “rules” and you can only come away with awe that these are found in one book “55 Rules for a Good Life.”

  7. Army Captain

    Sir, thank you and I can see these rules from my service in the Army as well. They are there!!!!!

  8. Larry Michen

    Wow, I didn’t know that these were there. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield for the table of contents. Fantastic.


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