Thoughts from Sadako Red as a Young Man

By | November 14, 2017

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [November 14, 2017]  When I was a young man, back in the day of tube radios and black rotary telephones, my friends and I spent a lot of time appreciating the fine ladies we dated.  We never obsessed over their race, religion, or even their sexual orientation (it never came up)… Read More »

Race, Character, & the Government: Revisited

By | August 31, 2024

[August 31, 2024]  NOTE:  Ten years ago, I published an article by a new guest blogger who goes by the pen name “Sadako Red.”  He has written several articles about the worship of race and sex in our federal government, as they largely ignore competence.  I was pleased with his work, and I’m bringing this article back because… Read More »

Fear, Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Islamophobia

By | August 31, 2023

[August 31, 2023]  When I began this leadership blog almost ten years ago, I had a few friends write an occasional column.  Sadako Red, a pen name, became more popular because of his wit and penchant for getting into sticky situations and his nimble ability to extract himself from the most uncomfortable and dangerous situations.  And no one… Read More »

Missed Opportunities, Hardly Tryin’

By | October 18, 2021

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [October 18, 2021]  Nothing is more galling than missing an obvious opportunity to do good or to succeed and we all know it.  We know it in our bones!  We know that to do so means a missed chance that will never show itself again.  I was once young and had… Read More »

Baltimore, Maybe it has a Chance

By | August 19, 2020

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [August 19, 2020]  Anytime we step out boldly to make changes, we take a chance that we might fail.  But the only way to get better is to try.  I’m no politician; don’t want to be now nor ever.  The City of Baltimore – you know the one that I can… Read More »

Duty, there Ain’t Enough of It

By | March 15, 2020

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [March 15, 2020]  Duty is the essence of humanness.  No words written are more pointed to the reason modern men and women are so unhappy … unhappy because they fail to realize that not doing one’s “duty” is the denial of our obligation to act righteously.  For the past several weeks,… Read More »

Guest Authors

By | December 28, 2019

Below are a composition of the Guest Bloggers that have contributed to  Please visit them and wish them well. Sadako Red Disclaimer: I chose the pen name Sadako Red in order to remove any notoriety reflecting on my other real job as a very senior executive in the Department of Defense. My opinion is my opinion only… Read More »

Fear, there Ain’t Enough of It

By | November 17, 2019

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [November 17, 2019]  Just when I was beginning to think I understood people …  Last month, I gave a guest lecture on “The motivations of America’s Founding Father Samuel Adams;” not that it matters much, but I’m considered an expert in early-American politics.  I gave my speech at Georgetown University here… Read More »

Courage, there Ain’t Enough of It

By | August 10, 2019

By guest blogger Sadako Red [see disclaimer] [August 10, 2019] I was sitting on the sand of my favorite beach in Ocean City, Maryland (the home of artistic Xpression, the boardwalk, and sundaes in the park) when I overheard several of my sand-buddy neighbors arguing over what to do about “white supremacy.” Now, if you’re going to make… Read More »