A Failure of the U.S. Secret Service

By | July 15, 2024

[July 15, 2024]  It’s hard for me to write this today, but here are my thoughts on the assassination attempt on Donald J. Trump’s life and the utter failure of the U.S. Secret Service this past Saturday.

It is incomprehensible that a 20-year-old, immature, would-be assassin could get within 130 yards of Trump with a rifle in the middle of the day, with clear skies, and with people in the crowd pointing him out to law enforcement and getting off multiple shots with a rifle.  The Counter Sniper Team (in black BDUs) did not engage a clearly visible target.  Whether they were told to stand down or overlooked the assassin is unknown to the public.

The Secret Service had one job: protect Trump.  I have no idea what they were doing that day to miss this threat.  This makes no sense.  In photos and video, we see two SS snipers looking in the direction of the assassin.  And yet, they failed to shoot while the assassin got off at least seven rounds.

There was also the embarrassment of the female SS agents unable to holster their weapons, their gear falling on the ground, acting erratically, and losing their composure.  These female agents are much smaller and shorter than the man they were assigned to protect.  Simple physics would suggest having them there was a bad idea.

Dan Bongino, once an SS agent, was on the Benny Johnson show yesterday and livid about these failures.  “There’s only one thing that saved Donald Trump’s life yesterday [Saturday], and that was Donald Trump.”  Bongino speculates that the stage bunting is armored and that by Trump ducking, he saved his own life.  “The evacuation did not go right, either,” according to Bongino. “The failure here was absolutely catastrophic.”

The Trump team has repeatedly requested increased security around Trump and at his home, but these requests were denied.  A Secret Service spokesman told us that this was untrue.  The Secret Service did not just fail Trump this past Saturday, but they also failed the citizens of America by potentially depriving them of a leading presidential candidate.

Dan Bongino was an absolute flamethrower, and I recommend watching his interview.

Multiple eyewitnesses saw the assassin minutes before he shot at Trump and alerted law enforcement.  We need to ask why and how a communication breakdown occurred that prevented engagement.

I’ll give Dan Bongino the last word here.  “The Secret Service was more concerned about the color of the secret service protective agent ties around Donald Trump, giving the perception that a red tie was somehow Republican.”  “They put out a thousand tweets about this DEI stuff.”

The Secret Service absolutely, 100% failed.  There is no excuse.  Now is the time for this agency to be investigated.  There is going to be a reckoning coming very soon for this failure.

The American people deserve better.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

25 thoughts on “A Failure of the U.S. Secret Service

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    There were so many failures in this situation. The practice of all departments including the SS Needs to review their policies on who to put on each team taken into the overall height and weight of the person the being protected. Better radio communicate with the other agent assistant them; details and rehearsal of the plan .as a cop;radio communicate are constant issues that may come up so you must have a back up plan in place for success.

  2. Harold M. Smith II

    FAILURE is an understatement, Gen. Satterfield. We were within a millimeter of having Donald J. Trump killed by a 20 year old nutjob. And the most obvious location was not covered by the Secret Service. Now that we know “Cheetos” Kim Cheatle (love that choeetos part) the SS Director is totally incompetent (and her slope defense notwithstanding), she should be fired immediately by Joe Biden. Sadly, Joe Biden doesn’t even know what day it is, so that won’t happen. She fits the narrative, so she stays.

  3. Jerome Smith

    … and now we have USSS Director Kim Cheatle saying they didn’t put a SS agent on the roof of that building because the roof had a slope and it was “dangerous.” What an outright stupid reasoning.

  4. Laughing Monkey

    Another failed government agency undermined by DEI directives that are meant to help the “undereducated and underperforming” — er, underprivileged POCs and women . BUT what did it do in this case. People are making a mockery of three stooges – I mean three women SS agents who couldn’t get their guns out, dropped equipment, and wondered around giving stupid commands that nobody followed. Were they the keystone kops? Yes! And that is why this entire SS episode failed those women. They thought they could do the job, and they clearly could not. Failure happens. And when it does, a week person – man or woman – had better be ready. The SS was not ready that day and its director Kim Cheatle has to now own it.

      1. Danny Burkholder

        The Trump team says it repeatedly requested larger Secret Service details. The agency’s flacks are denying it, but then they work for the Department of Homeland Security, whose chief Alejandro Mayorkas has for years insisted the Southern Border is “secure.” And no PR spin can make this egregious failure go away.
        Meanwhile, US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle was previously known for her drive to increase diversity on the force.

  5. Bryan Z. Lee

    HOT HOT HOT “Dan Bongino, once an SS agent, was on the Benny Johnson show yesterday and livid about these failures. “There’s only one thing that saved Donald Trump’s life yesterday [Saturday], and that was Donald Trump.” Bongino speculates that the stage bunting is armored and that by Trump ducking, he saved his own life. “The evacuation did not go right, either,” according to Bongino. “The failure here was absolutely catastrophic.”” please read Gen. Satterfield’s full article.

  6. Maximilian Krämer

    Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their devoted brainless followers nearly came within a fraction of an inch of taking out Donald Trump and that would have been the start of a civil war within America. Their constant drumbeat of Trump = Hitler and saying this will be the end of Democracy (yes, I know we are a republic, but they don’t know it), and that the world will be in WWIII (despite Brandon leading us there), has lead us to this point. Add in AOC, Maxine Waters and a host of crazy Democrat Party leftists and here we are. They need to keep down the rhetoric and be civilized. I don’t think they know how. In a few days they will be back blaming Trump for his near assassination. Oh, they’ve already done that. My bad.

    1. Harry Donner

      Yep, simpletons at work. The follow the other lemmings off the cliff again.

  7. Big Al

    The Rules of Engagement by the SS needs review. That is what a good director would do. But Cheatle is more interesting in making sure the SS ties aren’t red to support Republicans. Don’t believe me? Go look at the video again.

  8. JT Patterson

    Gen. Satterfield, thank you! You continue to put the hammer down to hold the clueless Secret Service accountable. Let us hope that the US House of Representatives is not pussy-footing around this time and do more than issue a stern letter.

  9. ijore


    “A senior Secret Service source familiar with the planning of yesterday's Trump rally tells NBC News the roof where the shooter was located was a well-known, high priority vulnerability.”“It was identified just the day before during a security walk-through.”“We’ve also… pic.twitter.com/OA2nJbMx97— Jonathan 🇺🇸 (@SuddenlyJon) July 15, 2024

    1. American Girl

      ijore, thanks for the reference on X. I think that we are about to see a lot more information come out, informally of course, over the next few days and that will not reflect well upon the Secret Service. There are already calls from members of Congress for he Director of the SS Kim “Cheetos” Cheatle to resign immediately. And she should. If I were the head of the SS and this happened, I would step down as a matter of honor. But, as others have said, she has no honor. Cheetos Cheatle is an embarrassment for women and has personally set our efforts to show we can do the job back for several decades.

      1. Winston

        You guys are killing me as I roll on the floor laughing. But this is also serious business here. SS Director Kim CHeatle failed this past Saturday. She clearly did NOT make sure her team protecting Donald Trump was ready but was fully diverse with at least three short chubby women on that team. And these women were an embarrassment to themselves and to the SS and to America. When a short 4’10’ chubby woman tries to protect a 6’3″ man, well, that is not going to go well. BUT BUT BUT, we checked the DEI box.

        1. Cow Blue

          I didn’t know that the Uvalde police department was in Pennsylvania.

  10. Doug Smith

    Secret Service and DEI hire Director Kimberly A. Cheatle should resign in shame over her failure to properly lead the SS. Her job is simple, protect those assigned to her. She failed. She failed miserably. And braindead Biden who put her in that position did so because it is not that hard to do. And he failed too.


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