[November 28, 2023] This story of meaning is a three-part series that attempts to dive into the meaning of one of the greatest stories ever told in the Bible. I will “connect the dots” between the story as written in the Bible and explain how it can help each of us in a dramatic and positive way.
It is an honor to write about this Biblical story, something I’ve never done before on my blog. Before I begin with my favorite Biblical story, a story that is often overlooked, one of the most important in the Bible, from the Old Testament, at least in my opinion, I’d like to give you some background to put the story in context.
I grew up in the Deep South, in a very poor town with no traffic lights, and many roads were hard-packed dirt. Most of the homes were without electricity, and there was no grocery store, no park to walk in, and no police department to call upon if trouble, but we did have two adult bars, one just across the street from the only diner in town. Although I have not lived there in 60 years, I could go back today, and with my accent, I would fit right in, and nobody would be the wiser, except I still have most of my teeth.
And one church, the only church in town, a Southern Baptist church where the services and Sunday School were well attended and where Pastor John gave us the many stories from the Bible and quoted scripture he had memorized so well. As a little boy, I loved these stories. I was drawn close to the stories, yet I did not know why, a defect in my learning.
Yet these Biblical stories lacked something, and what they lacked was what they meant to me, my family, my friends and our town. Their meaning was simply unknown. Applying a story is hard when you don’t know what it means. Yes, perhaps I lacked the smarts even to ask.
Fast forward to today. When I meet new people, they often ask what I used to do for a living. My answer is, ‘I make the lives of young men better.’ How I do that is simple, but, like life, it’s the story of meaning, and that is where it gets real as I struggle for that meaning.
I consider myself a man of God. But I don’t think I’ve served him well or helped others with a calling to Faith because I never really understood the true meaning of the Bible. With that beginning, I hope you will bear with me as I tell you about one small story within one of the most well-known stories of the Bible, The Exodus.
I’m sure most of us have seen the 1956 Cecil B. DeMille movie The Ten Commandments, starring Charlton Heston as Moses, Yul Brynner as Egyptian Pharaoh Ramesses II, and genuinely many great actors. It was one of my favorites. Unfortunately, it is an Epic film that leaves out a crucial part of the Exodus story. I’ll get to that over the next few days.
Tomorrow, in Part 2 and then Part 3, I will lay out a possible strong interpretation of the Bronze Serpent on a staff.
Please read my books:
Wildly great series. Gen. Doug Satterfield has done us a huge favor. Please read all three of these, they are all just a couple of minutes of reading but maybe a lifetime of thinking about it.
Yep, love the entire series. Read them all.
I did!!!!!!!
Gen. Satterfield, after reading this and Part 2, I’m wanting to read your last part, part 3. Please do more of these interpretations. I say that because I was never giving info on what these Bible verses and stories meant. They were just words. But the average person needs more.
Hi Linus Man, be patient. You will enjoy the last part of this series even more.
My friend great article. You are taken the blog into another level. Cover the spiritual man or woman. This is very much needed. I am here to assist you in any way to help with your blogger with the spiritual man. The 10 commandment all deals with relationships. The first 3 deals with our relationships with God. The last 7 deals with our relationships with each other
So as you reader the Bible it main purpose is relationships.
Now that there me friends is one heck of a “teaser.”!
Hi Bob, you got that right. Today’s part 2 is getting to the meat of the story. And I can’t wait for the final in Part 3.
Looking to tomorrow and the next day for the next parts of what will be a great series. So what is the part of the Bible that is not addressed in The Ten Commandants? The bronze snake on Moses’ staff. Now that is got to be a humdinger.
Every day that I come here to find out what is next for me to read, I know that whatever Gen. S. has written that it will be worthwhile to spend my time reading it. I also like his DAILY FAVORITES so don’t skim or pass over this part of his blog.
I agree Kerry and I know that many skip this part. But the article Gen. S highlights are also a window into his soul. This 3-part series will be another window. Let’s see how he connects these dots and shows that the Bible has much more to offer than a few stories to guide us.
Should be fantastic. We already have some hints.
Please Please Please, Gen. Satterfield. Let’s get this 3-part series going fast. I can’t wait for the next two parts. Good setup here on Part 1.
Gen. Satterfield is also an American Patriot.
I consider myself a man of God. But I don’t think I’ve served him well or helped others with a calling to Faith because I never really understood the true meaning of the Bible. With that beginning, I hope you will bear with me as I tell you about one small story within one of the most well-known stories of the Bible, The Exodus. — Gen. Doug Satterfield. This is a critical piece of info. But also see his article here:
Why I’m an American Patriot
Got it, thanks Jonnie. Wishing you and ur family well.

I can’t wait for Parts 2 and 3.
The Ten Commandments:
“The Ten Commandments dramatizes the biblical story of the life of Moses, an adopted Egyptian prince who becomes the deliverer of his real brethren, the enslaved Hebrews, and thereafter leads the Exodus to Mount Sinai, where he receives, from God, the Ten Commandments. The film stars Charlton Heston in the lead role, Yul Brynner as Rameses, Anne Baxter as Nefretiri, Edward G. Robinson as Dathan, Yvonne De Carlo as Sephora, Debra Paget as Lilia, and John Derek as Joshua; and features Sir Cedric Hardwicke as Seti I, Nina Foch as Bithiah, Martha Scott as Yochabel, Judith Anderson as Memnet, and Vincent Price as Baka, among others.” – from Wikipedia
Thanks Stacey for an into to the film. I saw it two decades ago on my color TV. I’m sure when Gen. Satterfield saw it back in 1960s?, it was in B&W. It is a majestic film.
Wow, nice. I hope to have some entertainment over the next couple of days. Looks like Gen. Satterfield might become a Preacher. Just kidding. But that is something we all could support. And, while we are at it, as the holidays approach and Christmas is less than a month away, be sure to buy “55 Rules for a Good Life” and leave a review at Amazon. That is how we can support Gen. Satterfield and keep his content here going and going. Thanks All.
Another wonderful article.
Of course, that is why I’m one of a handful who have been totally loyal to Gen. Satterfield and his blog. BTW, if you’ve purchased any of his books, then you are missing out. Get your copies before Christmas. Amazon has them on sale.
Nice! Fact!
Exactly why i come here. What i am interested in here is how Gen. Satterfield connects the dots between the Bible and everyday real life. That is certainly going to be very interesting.
Yep, I’m looking forward to the next two parts. Gen. Satterfield, as also a man of God, I salute your efforts to find the meaning from Exodus. It is far more than a simple story of escape from tyranny.