[January 4, 2025] I’ve been interested in seeing those things that are beautiful, and I’ve written about how beauty challenges us. Becca Segovia, a graphic designer, creates modern recreations from old paintings. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing the landscape, bringing to life what was, at one point, a static or fixed piece of portrait art. We are going to see more AI-generated beauty.
In these pictures, I show an old Daguerreotype (left) and the AI-generated (right). It’s pretty obvious which is which, but I cannot embed it here in my article. Here is a YouTube video link (here.)
Please watch it, which runs less than nine minutes plus advertisements.

Original Daguerreotype vs AI-Generated Video (still screenshot)
“Looking for beauty in the past from paintings (one of many forms of beauty) is difficult. The pre-photography past only provides us with “barely detailed and imprecise artistic depictions.” Art and science allow us to see what individuals look like from facial reconstruction. I am most impressed by those who recreate old paintings and drawings using modern artistic techniques.” — Gen. Doug Satterfield, April 15, 2024
It gets better. Now, we can create an entire scene with movement and sound, which I find fascinating. This “fly-by” AI-generated 1800s Western scene shows us what a typical town might look like—and with sound.
This is an example of OpenAI’s new text product. Prompt: “Historical footage of California during the gold rush” pic.twitter.com/teczQsWzyn
— Historic Vids (@historyinmemes) February 15, 2024
AI will continue to advance quickly. I look forward to reporting on some of these new advances.
Remember beauty. AI-generated beauty with movement will dazzle us over the upcoming months and years.
Please read my books:
Beauty is BEAUTY, nuff said.
Fred, I think you might be overlooking what Gen. Satterfield is getting at. Yes, “beauty is beauty” but what is the meaning? What is about beauty that makes it so attractive to us? How do we judge ourselves in the face of beauty? That is where we are headed. I do think that Gen. Satterfield is on to something and to get a better understanding, then read his previous articles on the concept of beauty. https://www.theleadermaker.com/?s=beauty
Beauty is something we all can see, as long as we do not let our ideologies get in the way.
Great content, Gen. Satterfield. Plenty of material out on the Web to showcase the most recent advances in AI technology.
Wow ……
Yeah, Wellington. There’s some fast-paced movement here. The next year is going to expose the underbelly of AI. Will it be to our overall benefit? Or will it hurt us? I expect AI will start to interfere with political elections and state propaganda. This underbelly will be exposed, I hope, for its evil and we can put a stop to it early.
Sir, excellent. I knew that AI was up and coming and that it could be used for good or evil. This is one of the good.
Good article that addresses some of the issues raised by commentators in this forum and elsewhere and that were hinted at by Gen. Satterfield.
“AI-Generated Art: How Can Visual Artists Navigate This New Frontier of Creativity?”
Expect to see more discussions like this, in particular, over this coming year in 2025 as AI art begins to take off. Costs versus Artistry is part of that discussion. Along with creativity, ownership, theft, etc.
“AI art is societally embedded in the sense that it is based on data generated by human societies. In this way, at least some aspects of authenticity and auratic quality are retained. Likewise, AI-generated art has a revelatory quality, making visible the layers of the collective unconscious of today’s societies – that is, data patterns – in a way that is in line with the psychoanalytic capacities that Benjamin saw in photography and film.” – Ignas Kalpokas
Kalpokas, I. (2023). Work of art in the Age of Its AI Reproduction. Philosophy & Social Criticism, 0(0). https://doi.org/10.1177/01914537231184490
IMO, AI has accelerated the erosion of traditional artistic aura, pushing us to reconsider the very essence of creativity and authenticity. The democratization of art creation through AI tools echoes Benjamin’s observations about the liberating potential of new technologies, while simultaneously raising concerns about the potential devaluation of human artistic skill. 😉
Good comment, Winston. This is why I always read your comments and those here in Gen. Satterfield’s leadership forum.
A real beauty. BTW, the video from X does not show on my computer. I don’t know if it’s my issue or with your site.
Thanks Gen. Satterfield. Well done. This idea of what AI is and its potential is exploding. I’d like to see more of your thoughts on its use and abuse. We are going to see it’s abuse and misuse explode this year.
“Looking for beauty in the past from paintings (one of many forms of beauty) is difficult. The pre-photography past only provides us with “barely detailed and imprecise artistic depictions.” Art and science allow us to see what individuals look like from facial reconstruction. I am most impressed by those who recreate old paintings and drawings using modern artistic techniques.” — Gen. Doug Satterfield, April 15, 2024
Great quote. This is the main point of Gen. S. However, his second point about HOW artificial intelligence is used will be debated here in the West at a breakneck pace starting now.
Yes, and there are today Open AI platforms like this one: https://openart.ai/
Note there is a cost to using it. In the future I see the cost going down or in some cases, no cost to the consumer.
As long as AI is used for good, like these examples, we will all benefit. But the opportunity for evil to grow is magnified and that should be very very worrisome. The problem we have before us is making sure AI is used for good or neutral reasons. Watch out, we are going to see more evil, mark my words today.
Exactly!! Another future article on Artificial Intelligence’s tendencies to being used to harm would be useful.
###### correct #####
Let’s keep our eye on AI.
Be ready to find AI used for nefarious purposes.
Thanks Gen. Satterfield.
Hey folks, please read Gen. Satterfield’s books. 📕
The Gold Rush town flyby is really something to behold. Lets hope we get more of this kind of videos but I think the closer it is to a once real town, the better.