America’s Most Hated Army General

By | July 30, 2024

[July 30, 2024]   I write today’s article with deep regret.  But, in our military culture of exposing destructive senior leaders and holding our those responsible for their decisions, I’m stepping forward.  After discussions with numerous military Officers and senior civilians, there is a clear consensus among them that retired Army General Mark A. Milley is the most hated General in America.

In the United States, military officers are one of the most revered and trusted occupations, and this trend has held firm for as long as polls have asked citizens for their opinions.  There is a good reason, too; those leaders are the very people who put their lives and the lives of others on the line for our nation and have a track record upholding freedom, truth, and the American way.  It should be no surprise that they are among the most loved, and that trend still holds despite recent arguments to the contrary.

On the other hand, Americans hate corruption, detest liars, are revolted by weasels, and vehemently reject those who betray us.  Mark Milley is the U.S. general who best fits these vile traits.  His most egregious betrayal to America was, by his admission, secretly calling his Chinese Communist Party counterpart, stating he would alert China of any threat by then-president Donald Trump to start a war with China.

We must recall that Mark Milley, at the time, was the most senior military member in America, holding the prestigious position of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.  This position has the primary function of providing military and strategic expert advice to the President. Miley’s abdication of his role and alerting America’s greatest enemy was considered a treasonous act by many.  There were calls for Trump to fire Milley and retire him.  Some suggested that Milley be brought up on charges of treason to America.

At the time, Americans saw Milley for what he was: a partisan hack Army Officer who was above his head in the duties of the office he held.  It is not uncommon to find these types of military leaders cozying up to powerful politicians, but they are typically discovered early in their careers and removed.

Milley sees himself as “saving democracy” and “opposing the great danger [he sees] posed by Trump’s uncivil acts.”  Those who know Milley say he is a risk avoider but believes himself to be between a George Patton (aggressive and bold) and Sun Tzu (strategic military philosopher).  He is neither.

Most of us familiar with Milley’s actions and policies have a better description.  Mark Miley is Woke.  Furthermore, Milley has pushed this neo-Marxism ideology on our military to a devastating effect.  Recruitment is down, combat readiness is down, morale is down, drug use, alcoholism, and suicide are up, and deteriorating relationships among our leaders are hurting unit cohesiveness.

These markers tell a different story than the one he told us when subpoenaed before Congress to testify about his hand in our failing military.  And we all remember the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Upon retirement, Mark Milley took a position at Princeton University, a woke liberal college.  They deserve him, but America does not.  Mark Miley was and remains the most hated Army General currently alive.  Only Benedict Arnold is hated more, and that may be a toss-up for future historians to sort out.

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Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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24 thoughts on “America’s Most Hated Army General

  1. Rats Leaving

    ….. and Gen. Mark Milley will go down as America’s most DESPISED general, even worse than Gen. Benedict Arnold, a traitor. But Arnold at least repented but Milley will never do so because he’s a commie in his heart.

  2. Jack of Spades ♠️

    Gen. Satterfield, it’s hard to complete with traitor Gen. Benedict Arnold, but Gen. Mark Milley did his best. I agree with Gen. S., that Milley is the most hated military general in America and for obvious good reasons.

    1. Army Captain

      Jack, you are spot on! GEN Milley—thank God he is retired now—has done true damage to America. I hear now that Donald Trump is looking into punishing Milley for his communist sympathies. That is a very good thing. Milley proved he was not cut out to be the nation’s most senior officer. His job was to advise the president, not publically criticize him. That is driven into us officers from day one. Milley is a traitor, many veterans will tell you. I believe that is true, not because of his failure in Afghanistan or Jan 6th, but because he was in touch with the CCP and telling them what America was doing and not doing. Shame on Milley for his treason. He deserves far greater punishment than simply taking his portrait down in the Pentagon.

  3. Liz at Home

    The evil that retired Gen. Mark Milley perpetuated will never be forgotten. He will live in Hell for the rest of his life and I pray he finds God so that he can overcome.

  4. Yiddy of Macedonia

    🇨🇳 Mark Milley 🇨🇳
    🇨🇳 Lover of Communist China 🇨🇳
    🇨🇳 Traitor to America. 🇨🇳

  5. Emma Archambeau

    Unfortunately, I did not follow this General’s career or his service as the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But from the small number of military members I do know, none of them liked him because they saw him as a pompous ass.

    1. Forrest Gump

      “On the other hand, Americans hate corruption, detest liars, are revolted by weasels, and vehemently reject those who betray us. Mark Milley is the U.S. general who best fits these vile traits. His most egregious betrayal to America was, by his admission, secretly calling his Chinese Communist Party counterpart, stating he would alert China of any threat by then-president Donald Trump to start a war with China.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield and I agree with this 100%. I do however disagree with Gen. Satterfield in that I think mark milley (small man, small letters) is a TRAITOR and should be tried in front of us and watch him try to get out of the facts he cavorted with the enemies of America.

  6. Willie Strumburger

    Gen. S. said that Milley got a job at liberal Princeton U. But I was thinking at the time of his retirement that he will he get a gig on CNN OR MSNBC. That is what he is better to do, make stupid comments about “saving our democracy” and about how superior he is to all us no-nothings who roam American dragging our knuckles. Milley loves to show he is better than everyone else. But I’m sure he couldn’t pass a PT test and perhaps even a drug test in the military. I’m happy that he is no longer in the military but I hope he is not influencing the crazy Democrat politicians on how to better destroy our Army so the communists from China can defeat us. I agree that retired Gen. Mark Milley is the most hated General in America. He earned it.

  7. Vanguard

    I would not follow this guy across the Street, let alone into Battle….

    1. Melo in Chicgo

      Yeah, he gave us the brilliant Afghan withdrawal. The only thing he conquered was the buffet line at Golden Corral.

  8. OJ to Hell

    Did Gen. Mark Milley call China, to let them know he was retiring? Asking for a friend.

  9. Bernie

    My son worked in the Pentagon years ago as a “senior NCO” and they used to joke about Gen. Mark Milley’s being a
    “fat-assed duffus.” Not my words but the words from the NCOs there. Apparently, the officers thought of him as having too much influence and not enough brains. He was obviously a far left liberal who could wait to dress down any officer or NCO who questioned his decisions. Gen. Satterfield is spot on with his article, and yes, only Benedict Arnold gives Milley a run for the money on who is the most hated American general.

    1. Doug Smith

      Mark Milley, whose four-year tenure as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ends with his retirement this month, will exit center stage as one of the most consequential and polarizing military chiefs in recent memory, leading America’s armed forces through a fraught period that included the precarious final months of Donald Trump’s presidency, a disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, and Washington’s high-stakes standoff with Moscow. – Washington Post

  10. The Golly Woman from EHT

    Mark Milley is a legend in his own mind.

    1. Commie Red

      Desert Cactus, let us not insult America’s most prestigious generals no matter what. They deserve our greatest admiration and we should take Mark Milley as an example of greatest. Those who don’t like him are just jealous of his stature and wonderful and long career. Don’t be jealous or bitter.

      1. Harold M. Smith II

        Commie, please use your head. Look at what happened to the US Army under his leadership. Gen. S. spells this out. And if you haven’t seen his testimony in front of the US Congress, then I recommend you watch it. They are holding his feet to the fire and he is being nasty and blaming his failures on his subordinates, typically like a true communist.
        “General Milley on Why He Hasn’t Resigned”

        1. Colleen Ramirez

          “RETIRED” Mark MIlley. Thank God for his departure and we can only hope we can slow down the damage he has done.

          1. Under the Bridge

            Great comments here. The fact that Commie Red is supporting an Army General says alot.

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