An American Tragedy: Part 2

By | August 9, 2023

[August 9, 2023]  The practice of infanticide reared its ugly head in my hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the cradle of Liberty where the Declaration of Independence was signed and declared, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Dr. Kermit Barron Gosnell was killing helpless babies and had been doing so for years, and probably never read what the founders had written just a few blocks away from his office.  Ironically, Dr. Gosnell was born the year (1941) when Adolf Hitler began executing Jews.  This was murder in every sense of the word.

The babies in Dr. Gosnell’s chamber of horrors were born and, for a moment, were able to breathe the very air that I breathe and inhaled true life for the first time.  At no time could they imagine that they were not one of God’s greatest miracles and privileged to have membership in this world.  I’m sure they were stunned by the bright lights as they were taken from their mother’s womb.  And then, expecting to feel the touch of their mother’s hands and picked up and held, they were mistaken.  A strange voice was heard, and two strange hands picked them up and turned them over on their belly, face down on a cold stainless steel table.  Too frightened to cry, they waited.  And instantly, they felt the cold instrument positioning itself on their back.  Wanting to cry out but fearful too, the little baby felt the cold steel cut into their skin, searching for the exact spot where it would sever the spinal cord and end life.  Instead of taking another breath, the baby exhaled, feeling excruciating pain, never knowing what it was like to have privileges of membership in my world – their lifeless bodies thrown into a pile much like those in Germany or scattered throughout the killing fields in Cambodia many years before, or on the streets and in the ditches of Nanking.

But perhaps the biggest slaughter in the history of America, yet to come, was legislated in the state of New York on January 23, 2019, when Governor Cuomo signed the bill allowing for abortions at any time, even up until the time of birth, and he even asked the rest of the nation to follow!  It was a celebratory night for the state of New York…they were celebrating the killing of babies while applauding the work of Dr. Gosnell.  Several states away, the Commonwealth of Virginia also encourages infanticide, spearheaded by Governor Ralph Northam, a pediatric neurologist who taught all things medicine and ethics.  The sad irony we are witnessing today is that the people in Virginia are more concerned whether wearing blackface some forty years ago far outweighs killing innocent children.

When the time comes, the people who stood by and allowed Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot and the Japanese to carry out genocide, and now the states of New York and Virginia to carry out infanticide, will be held accountable for what they did and did not do to stop it.  We, too, will be held accountable for not standing up for the rights of the unborn and born children who have been and will be slaughtered.  The figures I presented above were not quoted off the top of my head.  An actual website keeps a running account of abortions, much like the stock market.  I have listed the website below.  It is shocking but should be known to every person who happens to be pro-life or pro-choice.  Look at the figures the next time you enjoy a nice summer day with your kids and think of those not allowed membership in our exclusive society for a moment.

Mother Teresa, who spent more than 40 years tending to the terribly sick and dying individuals around the world, said this about abortion: “the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself.” Then she added, “If a mother can kill her own child, what is left – for me to kill you and you to kill me?  There is nothing in between.”

One final note.  The following quote appeared in “The Telegraph,” a London newspaper, on March 24, 2014.  “Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals.”  What have we become?

Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Jim Eberwine

Born in Philadelphia into a Roman Catholic environment and a family of eight. My wife and I have 13 grandchildren and four great grandchildren. I am deeply concerned about the direction of our country , but you will not find me on a picket line or demonstrating. I choose to follow the direction of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who once said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.”

23 thoughts on “An American Tragedy: Part 2

  1. Maximilian Krämer

    Well written, Mr. Eberwine and thank you. I do believe deep down that abortion – for any reason whatsoever – is a sin becuase we are taking an innocent life and doing so willingly and voluntarily. And it is EVIL, all caps on purpose. The problem for those of us who want to stop abortion is that the vast majority of Americans don’t want a total ban. And if we try a total ban, then nothing gets passed in law, we are painted as anti-women and religious zeolots. That does not excuse the fact that we are on the right side. That is one of the biggest problems we face.

  2. Jeff Blackwater

    Nicely put, Mr. Eberwine. And God Bless you and your family.

    1. Scotty Bush

      We are fortunate that there are people out there who think and act like this Mr. Jim Eberwine. He is indeed a moral, wonderful person that, I’m sure, can be relied upon to do what is right no matter what the circumstances. These kind of folks are rare today because most senior politicians are only thinking about the power they have and only look into the short term solutions and outright ignore moral imperatives. Thank you, sir, Mr. E. for your article.

  3. American Girl

    Excellent ending and well constructed argument against abortion. Abortion should be ended for any reason. Period. Immoral behavior is immoral no matter how we justify it.

  4. Pastor John

    I pray for the millions of lost souls of the babies due to the immoral act of their mothers.

  5. DI Fred Thursday

    Gen. Satterfield, occasionally you have a guest on your blog that makes a lot of sense. Much like Sadako Red, Army Vet, and Edward M. Kennedy III. These men are to the point and have strong arguments and will admit when what they say is not well received or has flaws. They are not perfect but are willing to stand against clear-cut immoral behavior and that is what Mr. E. is doing here with his abortion article.
    A year ago, Gen. Satterfield wrote, “Abortion: behavior in an Immature Culture”
    If you want to see a real putdown on modern culture, then read this article too.

    1. Patriot Wife

      DI Thursday, well said and thanks for pointing to Gen. Satterfield’s article on abortion. Gen. S. has written on the subject several times and he is very clear that those who support abortion are morally corrupted and cowards of the worse kind.

  6. Greg NH

    Gen. Satterfield, I do appreciate like so many others that you have Mr. Eberwine as an excellent guest. If he is willing, please have him back. I’d like to see a followup to his article. Well written and to the point.

    1. Eddie Gilliam

      Excellent article by your guest Mr Eberwine. I’m so grateful my mom didn’t abort me when my father and grandfather told her too. She was 16 years no place to go but God provided her a home for us. Mrs Queen bond whom I called my second provided a place.

  7. Nick Lighthouse

    Wonderful conclusion to a very tough subject. I like the Mother Terresa quote.

  8. Boy Sue

    Best part,
    “Mother Teresa, who spent more than 40 years tending to the terribly sick and dying individuals around the world, said this about abortion: “the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself.” Then she added, “If a mother can kill her own child, what is left – for me to kill you and you to kill me? There is nothing in between.””

    1. Ice Man

      Boy Sue, nailed it. And thanks to Mr. Eberwine for his two part article on Gen. Satterfield’s leadership website. I also want to thank Gen. S for his continued very relevant content. I love it. Keep up with these daily articles and please have Mr. Eberwine back here again soon. 👍👍👍👍👍

  9. Jasmine

    Those women who believe that abortion is a fundamental right are completely nuts. 🥴

    1. Lynn Pitts

      Yes, Jasmine, good comment. I’m not so sure hey are nuts as they are narcissist who want what they want and be damn everyone else. This is a me me me me way of thinking and women have been the first to fall into this pseudo-Marxist way of thinking. In America, we are raising self-centered women who have high expectations for men but zero responsibility and accountability for themselves or their actions.

  10. Emma Archambeau

    “We, too, will be held accountable for not standing up for the rights of the unborn and born children who have been and will be slaughtered.” – Jim Eberwine. Well said, sir and thank you for your two-part article on one of the most important issue of our times.

  11. Frontier Man

    The truth about abortion is slowly getting out because the main stream media cannot hold back the massive tide of truth.

    1. Dead Pool Guy

      Yes, the truth matters and yet the liberal-obsessed idiots of the progressive left (who also live in their basements and sit around on their computers in their underwear) will NEVER see the truth. They are willfully blind. When you get a chance, kick their butts.


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