Another Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

By | September 17, 2024

[September 17, 2024]  When I first heard about another assassination attempt on Donald Trump’s life, the first thing I thought was, “Not again.”  This is just another spectacular failure by the U.S. Secret Service.  A good friend called them the Keystone Cops, implying they are worthless other than the entertainment value they provide.

I’m not so sure the Keystone Cop analogy is right, but every time something like this happens, I inch that much closer to believing my friend.  And I’m sure most people felt the same when they also discovered that another lone gunman had gotten close enough to the former president and current presidential candidate to kill him.

The “suspect” is Ryan Routh, and we will learn more about him in the coming weeks but we do know he is a Democrat Party supporter.  He was armed with an SKS (a semi-automatic Russian-designed rifle) and got within 300 to 500 yards from Trump.  Also with him was a Go-Pro camera which would be used for video-taping the shooting, body armor, and had created what we might call a “sniper’s nest.”

We need to ask ourselves why he had a Go-Pro camera to record his planned assassination of Trump.  The only place I’ve seen this kind of behavior is with terrorists who use videos for propaganda purposes.  And, yes, that does mean that Ryan Routh is a domestic terrorist.

I do want to credit the Secret Service agent who discovered Routh and shot at him but missed.  That certainly saved Donald Trump.  The fact that Routh could get that close is another major security failure of terrible proportions and, frankly, inexcusable.  Many are now saying the Secret Service is a disgrace.  Others are saying that perhaps the Secret Service has a mole inside their organization that is helping would-be assassins.  I do not know.

What I do know is that the Secret Service has one main job: to protect American presidents and vice presidents.  They failed.  The last director of the Secret Service was forced to resign over her inept protection of Trump, and so should the current acting director.

“Love him or hate him, Trump has shown balls of steel over these threats to his life, and that won’t be lost on an American public who like their commanders-in-chief to be strong.” – Piers Morgan, Uncensored, September 16, 2024

Trump was having a bad week of publicity, but this assassination attempt put him back on the good side.  And, not letting this go, Trump said that the man who tried to assassinate him was motivated by the “rhetoric” of President Biden and Vice President Kamal Harris.  Trump cited suspect Routh as using near-identical language to Biden and Harris about the ex-president posing a threat to American democracy if he retakes the White House.

“Donald Trump wants to turn our democracy into a dictatorship.” – presidential candidate Kamala Harris, July 9, 2024

Kamala Harris needs to show some leadership here and stop this kind of talk.  And she needs to stop lying.  Exaggerations we can all accept but total falsehoods are unacceptable.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “Another Failed Trump Assassination Attempt

  1. American Girl

    It is shocking the lies coming from Kamala Harris. She is a stream of lies. I think she learned a lot of her lying style from Joe Biden. That is all he does. And “we” elected them to the most powerful positions in our country? “We” are stupid for doing so. But not me, “we.” Americans need to stop electing people because they promise freebies and compassion and start electing people who will make us stronger.

  2. Chuck USA

    Ryan Routh is a domestic terrorist from the Democrat Party. He is a foot soldier, and was willing to sacrifice himself for the cause. But he did chicken out and run at the last minute.
    “We need to ask ourselves why he had a Go-Pro camera to record his planned assassination of Trump. The only place I’ve seen this kind of behavior is with terrorists who use videos for propaganda purposes. And, yes, that does mean that Ryan Routh is a domestic terrorist.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield.

  3. Eye Cat

    Gen. Satterfield, sir, thank you for your continued following of these kind of immoral and illegal behaviors, many of which are consistently encouraged by our political elites. Sad that they do this for the power they will gain from winning an election, no matter the price we will all pay. Once this election is over, regardless who wins and who loses, there will be a great pent-up set of emotions that will come out in the form of violence in America. This is where President BIden and VP Harris are leading us and that is sad. They have shown to be untrustable.

  4. Harry Donner

    I would hope that people stop the nasty comments but as long as they remain anonymous, that is unlikely to happen. This is just another example of how far morally we have fallen.

  5. JAKE

    I’m not so sure this is right.

    “Love him or hate him, Trump has shown balls of steel over these threats to his life, and that won’t be lost on an American public who like their commanders-in-chief to be strong.” – Piers Morgan, Uncensored, September 16, 2024

    I think Americans are weak and stupid most of the time. At least most of them are. And that is good for the Democrat Party.

  6. Rev. Michael Cain

    Every day, I pray for Donald J. Trump 🙏 to live thru these turbulent times and to not have to worry about those crazies who would try to kill him. I also pray 🙏 for those who would want to do him harm, for they are lost and are in horrific spiritual shape, deserving more from their lives than to live in such hate and bitterness. I pray 🙏 for all our leaders and for them to speak the truth – and nothing but the truth – even if that has them lose their elections. Better to be a truthful human being and poor, than an evil sinner and be powerful. For that his how Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and so many other dictators from the 20th century got to where they were. They are today in HELL.

    1. Pastor John 🙏

      To pray for them is the right thing to do but they will not listen to us. Let us forgive them of their terrible sins when they encourage death upon other Americans. Kamala Harris needs to stop her rhetoric now but she won’t because she is incapable. And that is sad because she lives in her own created hell.

      1. Willie Strumburger

        The reason IMHO is that they are taught from day 1 that they are morally superior to everyone who doesn’t believe what they believe and that those “subhumans” (untermensch) that are Conservatives or Republicans are a threat to the world and thus any way to stop them is both acceptable morally but required. They are just like Jihadists who will kill Jews and be rewarded in heaven by their acts. Democrat Party members seek power and money and that is their total motivation and that is very very dangerous. I’m not calling the Nazis but they act just like the Nazis of the 1930s. You certainly don’t want them in power.

    1. North of Austin

      Good observation but that is up to us Americans to see it and vote them out. Democrats are mentally ill and there is nothing we can do about that.


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