Banning Iconic WWII Kissing Photo

By | March 8, 2024

[March 8, 2024]  RimaAnn Nelson,1 the Assistant Under Secretary for Health Operation at the Department of Veterans Affairs, distributed a memo calling for the banning of an iconic WWII photo of a U.S. Navy sailor kissing a woman in Times Square.  My old, grisly, tough-as-nails Vietnam Veteran friend says, “Welcome to Woke America.”

“To foster a more trauma-informed environment that promotes the psychological safety of our employees and the Veterans we serve, photographs depicting the ‘V-J Day in Times Square’ should be removed from all VHA facilities.  This action reflects our dedication to creating a respectful and safe workplace and is in keeping with our broader efforts to promote a culture of inclusivity and awareness.” – paragraph 4 in a letter signed 02/29/2024 by RimaAnn O. Nelson

One of Joe Biden’s woke VA managers wanted to remove and ban any display of the famous Alfred Eisenstaedt photograph of a jubilant sailor kissing a nurse in Times Square on VJ-Day in 1945.  Clueless!

Fortunately, the Secretary of the VA, Denis McDonough (not a veteran), overruled the Wokie, so the photograph remains for now.  I’m sure the firestorm generated by Nelson’s memo and several senior politicians getting involved was the reason for McDonough to backtrack.

“Not only was this proposed policy ill-conceived, but it was also somehow deemed a VHA operational priority during a time when there are significant issues with recruitment and retention, hiring freezes, and budgetary constraints.  It raises the question of VHA’s organizational structure and the qualifications of some of its core management.” – letter to McDonough from U.S. Senators Steve Daines (R) and Ryan Zinke (R)

This scandal shows that the VA is more concerned about propagating a Woke ideology within the agency than solving real problems.  See the note below on how well Nelson has done at her jobs at the VA.  She has worked at the VA for 30 years and has a track record of failure everywhere she was assigned.

It takes a special kind of nut not to clue into the reality of what was going on in that photograph.

I agree with the sentiment that her VHA employment should be immediately terminated.  But that will not happen because the Veterans Administration has gone full woke.


NOTE: Nelson served as the director of the St. Louis VA hospital from 2009 to 2013, during a time when veterans were reportedly exposed to HIV and hepatitis.  CNN reported that an investigation found that “staff in St. Louis had not been trained to sterilize equipment, and according to a whistleblower, the poor sanitation contributed to infections.” According to a report from AZ Central, investigators followed up to see if the problem had been addressed at the facility, and they had not.  The Daily Caller reported that conditions were so bad that veterans were left sitting in feces for “days.”


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

19 thoughts on “Banning Iconic WWII Kissing Photo

  1. Eddie Gilliam

    So sad. VA needs a complete overhaul for his leadership.

  2. The Observer

    More scandals at the Veterans Administration from those who are in love with Joe Biden.

      1. USA Patriot II

        One of the real problems with the VA under Biden is that he appoints people to important and demanding jobs with little to zero experience in either that area where experience is needed or in any level of leadership required. That is why Secretary of the VA, Denis McDonough (not a veteran) is nothing other than a Democrat shill. Let us not forget he is the one who has driven down our veterans health care in reality while simultaneously lying that he has done the opposite. And the low level braincases at the Biden Administration applaud his lack of truth telling.

  3. Neat Man II

    SHOCKING, but also not unlike any WOKE person slobbering at the feet of Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or Biden.

  4. Bryan Z. Lee

    Veterans Administration = SCANDAL after SCANDAL after SCANDAL

    1. Julia

      Nailed it Bryan. Too bad we have an incompetent, dementia patient as president.

      1. Chuck USA

        It is so sad that it took only a short amount of time for the current “non-veterans” secretary of the VA to push his woke agenda onto it and crush any real attempt to improve healthcare for our vets. Yet, he is strutting all over DC demanding that we “take care of our vets” while pushing for sex change operations, fully funded by the American taxpayer. This destroys anyone who goes thru it. Pandering to the wokeness will bring down healthcare. We know that now. Stop the cap. The VA is being destroyed by more like Secretary of the VA, Denis McDonough (not a veteran). Kick him out is the first step of recovery.

    1. Winston

      Got that right, American Girl. We love our veterans but hate the VA for their wokeness and incompetence. Boycott the VA if you can. Vets, try to get medical care elsewhere.

  5. Ursala J. Simpson

    Thank you Gen. Satterfield for raising the alarm. I’m glad that a few politicians helped put an end to the wokeness of this anti-American and anti-veteran at the VA.

  6. ableist mas

    Smiling …….. “It takes a special kind of nut not to clue into the reality of what was going on in that photograph.” – Gen. Doug Satterfield, da man!!!!

  7. Ice Man

    Gen. Satterfield, once again, thank you for sharing your knowledge of the VA and how far it has fallen. No matter how much Joe Biden touts what he has done to help veterans, he has pushed back their care into the dark ages. There are few in American willing to help vets less than our VA. We are going back to the days where the VA was a place where vets went to die. Little care. Little meds. Little of anything.

    1. Emma Archambeau

      Ice Man, yes! Gen. Satterfield continues to expose the on-going scandals at the VA; all self-inflicted. 😢😢😢😢😢

        1. Jammie

          Nelson served as the director of the St. Louis VA hospital from 2009 to 2013, during a time when veterans were reportedly exposed to HIV and hepatitis. CNN reported that an investigation found that “staff in St. Louis had not been trained to sterilize equipment, and according to a whistleblower, the poor sanitation contributed to infections.” According to a report from AZ Central, investigators followed up to see if the problem had been addressed at the facility, and they had not. The Daily Caller reported that conditions were so bad that veterans were left sitting in feces for “days.”

          Good that Gen. Satterfield made us aware of this. We need more real men like him to pull back the darkest and expose the evils occuring under our noses.

  8. Frontier Man

    Just another scandal in a large American institution run by radical leftists. Their goal has nothing to do with helping veterans but pushing their woke ideology.

    1. Karl J.

      FM, I agree, they would rather have classes on how to put on a drag show than devote their time to our heroic vets.


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