Being Less Serious: Emmy the Lab

By | August 18, 2024

[August 18, 2024]  I’ll be out all day, so I’m posting a less serious article about Emmy the Lab.  I had a dog-loving friend send me this channel on YouTube, and it is not big or exciting or crazy, but just about a yellow Labrador Retriever doing her thing.  Oh, and she looks exactly like my yellow lab Bella.

Here are a few of the very short clips that I most enjoyed about Emmy the Lab.  Have a great day, and enjoy your time with Emmy.

You can find all the videos at @Emmythelab

My dog Bella who looks like Emmy


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

19 thoughts on “Being Less Serious: Emmy the Lab

  1. Melissa Jackson

    Wow, excellent piece on a beautiful, friendly, loyal, and loving dog. Like all dogs, well most all dogs. I’m a real dog lover and I too have a yellow lab female, Betsey. Thank you EMMY for being a kind dog.

  2. Dog Man

    My friend next door called me this morning to say, “Hey, Gen. Satterfield has a ‘dog’ story for you to read.” I jumped on my iPad and went right to his website and what did I find but “Emmy the Lab.” Now, I just want to say thanks to my friend but also to Gen. Satterfield for recognizing the importance of a great and wonderful yellow lab. Yellow labs are the best dogs ever. I know some of you will disagree but all I have to say is GET YOURSELF A YELLOW LAB. Then you will see that I’m right. I’m right, of course.

  3. Jessica Luden

    See WeRateDogs on X ====

    This is Albert and Hubert. Albert has been showing Hubert the ropes. Like showing him where the fun puddles are, and how to deploy the perfect puppy eyes after. 12/10 for both— WeRateDogs (@dog_rates) March 5, 2024

    1. Northeast

      Great picture of two dogs who were in the mud and water and looking great.

    1. Colleen Ramirez

      Indeed, these were great articles. They are also feel-good articles that tell an important story about the connection between humans and dogs. Right! I’m a dog person, not a cat person. No big deal, go ahead and be a cat person and I’m okay with that. Just remember that dog people are better at understanding others and you have got to be responsible to have a dog.

  4. Good Dog

    For a better life, get a dog. Emmy would be great but also Gen. Satterfield’s dog Bella would be another great example. If you want to teach kids responsibility, then get them a dog (not a cat unless you are a crazy cat lady). Get a real dog, a big dog, a dog that needs the human touch. Dogs are wonderful creatures, probably the first domesticated animal and one that is bound with us humans. Get your dog today and learn to put their care first in your family and you will have returns that are most wonderful.

  5. Guns are Us

    YEAH!!!!!!!! Emmy the Lab. Love her.
    BTW, never forget that guns and dogs do mix.


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