Beliefs about Recent College Graduates

By | March 24, 2025

[March 24, 2025]  It seems a common perception that the young generation is lazy, disrespectful, misguided, and act like they’re entitled. That view might be something to laugh about but not when it means hiring one of them. So, what are the beliefs of those hiring have about recent college graduates?

Yes, we all have an opinion about “those young kids.”  We should take seriously the perception of hiring managers who are on the frontlines of meeting and brain college graduates. Their views matter.

Stereotypes exist for a reason and it is understandable when young folks fall into one of them, we say, “ah ha, see there!”  It’s better to look at a study that gives us a good idea of what others think of Gen Z.

In August last year, surveyed 966 business leaders involved in hiring decisions to explore attitudes toward hiring young folks. Not surprisingly, they found that Gen Z’ers are challenging to work with and difficult to manage.

Here is what they found:

  • 75% of companies report that some or all of the recent college graduates they hired this year were unsatisfactory
  • 6 in 10 companies fired a recent college graduate they hired this year
  • 1 in 6 hiring managers say they are hesitant to hire from this cohort
  • Hiring managers say recent college grads are unprepared for the workforce, can’t handle the workload, and are unprofessional
  • 1 in 7 companies may refrain from hiring recent college graduates next year
  • 9 in 10 hiring managers say recent college graduates should undergo etiquette training

Beliefs about Recent College Graduates 

According to, the main reason young college graduates haven’t been successful is they lack motivation. This result should come as no surprise.

A decade ago, when I was still sorting through the best candidates to be in leadership positions, I found this to be true. Of course, anyone who lacks the internal drive to be in a real leader position cannot be given responsibility for any military unit, or any job that requires being part of a team.

Those hiring also have concerns about a lack of preparation for the workplace. Almost two-thirds believe recent graduates are entitled and too easily offended. Over half think Gen Z’ers lack the basic work ethic to survive in a competitive workplace.

Beliefs about Recent College Graduates 

What does it mean for young folks?  Many companies are now hesitant to hire recent college graduates. For those graduates, it is incumbent upon them – not the workplace – to demonstrate they are strong and ready to work and are compatible with the company’s culture.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

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14 thoughts on “Beliefs about Recent College Graduates

  1. Edward G.

    Like most here, I find this research not surprising at all. I do like Gen. Satterfield’s take that most older generations dislike the younger generation and tend to think of them as lazy and entitled. This is the world we live in. Give these youngsters time to grow up. Well, that will take another decade or two but I have patience. By the time they turn 30, they’ll be just fine.

  2. Cow Blue

    “Gen Z is made of zombies — less educated, more depressed, without values”
    Teacher Jeremy Adams predicts that today’s young people will be unprepared for the future. In 2014, a US general was quoted saying “the quality of people willing to serve has been declining rapidly,” with 71 percent of current 17- to 24-year-olds ineligible due to obesity, criminal records, or mental health or drug issues. Meanwhile, a recent survey highlighted that while 70 percent of senior citizens could pass a US citizenship test, less than 20 percent of those under 45 could, Adams writes.

    1. Larry Michen

      And Gen. Satterfield has also noticed this trend with incoming recruits.

    2. Colleen Ramirez

      It seems that every generation thinks poorly of the youth of their day. Misperceptions today include that youth are lazy and self-indulgent, that they only want to work in jobs that are prestigious and pay well, that they live with their parents, and that they are resistant to growing up.

  3. Otto Z. Zuckermann

    Well done, Gen. Satterfield, and I have to say that I’m not at all surprised one bit.

  4. Boy Sue

    “Lack motivation” and are “entitled” — gee, what could go wrong?

  5. Mikka Solarno

    The Progressive Ideology demands you submit to it in whole, never in part. Much like Islam, there is nothing more important than Mohammad.

  6. Benny Hamilton

    And they are WOKE WOKE WOKE and wokeness means rejecting society at its core because that is what Leftists do.
    “Can You Define Leftism?”
    “The Left destroys everything it touches. Whatever its noble-sounding rhetoric, the Left stands for nothing and, therefore, builds nothing (other than state power). Aside from state power, it only destroys.” – ibid (Dr. Dennis Prager)

  7. Bernie

    It’s appropriate to see that we are waking up to the fact that we have improperly raised a group of narcissistic children who are weak, effeminate, and entitled. When did this start? I think it was the boomers who did this to their children and now we all are going to pay the price in higher mental health costs.

    1. Pastor Jim 🙏

      And, as well, too many have turned away from their faith in God. 🙏

  8. Yusaf from Texas

    Great article, sir. You start off right when you,note that the older generation thinks poorly of the younger generations. Sooooo true.

  9. Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer

    If I were a young person today, I’d avoid any big-name university and focus on opening a business and putting my time to better use.


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