Category Archives: Book Review

Reading List (Update):  a WW2 Novel

By | January 23, 2022

[January 23, 2022]  Since America’s stunning self-inflicted debacle in Afghanistan, there has been a growing interest in the Soldier.  What is he thinking, what are his deprivations, his fears and desires, loves, and why would a person ever consider the role of a soldier, Marine, sailor, airman, or coastguardsman?  This thinking is wrapped up with the “woke” military… Read More »

Way of the Warrior Kid

By | November 23, 2021

[November 23, 2021]  Retired Navy SEAL Jocko Willink is the author behind the best-selling Warrior Kid book series.1  I just bought his fourth and latest in the series.  Do we need another series of self-help books about “kids?” Given the destruction by well-meaning but misguided politicians in their safe-at-all-costs policies, I think Jocko has hit a home run… Read More »