Britain’s Leaders Sail into the Rocky Shore

By | March 5, 2025

[March 5, 2025]  The economic and social failure of British leaders to prevent the nation’s destruction has been predicted for years. There are many reasons, of course; weak leadership and unwillingness to make difficult decisions on immigration, upholding law and order, cultural problems, excessive taxation, strangling business regulations, and ignoring social instability.

At the core of this decline in Britain’s status is the failure of a series of governments that allowed millions of low-skilled third-world immigrants to freely enter. The problem of this uncontrolled immigration is that a significant amount of them have no desire to contribute or assimilate. They are also drains on Britain and are adamantly opposed to British values, and possess a disdain for British culture and history.

“Anyone who lives in any of our major towns and cities can see what is happening and the terrifying speed with which it is changing everything we know. A meme circulating on social media on Christmas Eve, showing a bewildered Santa surrounded by bearded men in traditional Muslim dress, went viral for a reason. “Where the f— am I?” ran the speech bubble from St Nicholas. “You’re in London” replied one of the many Mohammeds.” — Isabel Oakeshott, The Telegraph

British politicians treat the taxpayer’s money like Monopoly fake money, spending billions on unneeded and unwanted mega-projects while ignoring their slowly deteriorating infrastructure.  The decisions by an unaccountable series of bureaucrats have tied up hard-earned money, best spent elsewhere or returned to those who work harder every day to house and feed freeloader immigrants.

“The impact of all these mad decisions on those trying to do the right thing is incalculable. While growing numbers of shirkers declare themselves too mentally ill to work, wealth creators are forced to toil ever harder to hold onto everything they have built. “ — ibid

A mass exodus of wage earners and the rich are leaving Britain for Italy, Germany, America, and Australia, where hard work is still appreciated and rewarded and where they are not treated as cash cows. Interestingly, Britain is still internationally respected and is seen as a leader on the world stage. Sadly, this is solely based on their past leadership, who would never put up with the nonsense of today’s leaders. The world is catching on, and Britain is no longer a leader in global or even British affairs.

Keir Starmer, Britain’s Prime Minister, is their next failed leader following a succession of failures who lack the foresight or will to stand up to the woke ideology infecting its elites. Parts of the country are barely recognizable as British. Sharia law is widely practiced, especially when it runs counter to British law; nothing is done. “We have wide shoulders,” according to Starmer, as he becomes the latest quisling to run this once-proud nation.

We could say this is just poor leadership and hope for future change to steer Britain’s ship away from the rocky shore. Short of a miracle, their ship will be dashed upon the immigrant rocks. Will Britain survive?  Maybe. But certainly not as we can imagine. It will take someone like America’s Donald Trump to stop Britain from its suicide pact with itself.


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

8 thoughts on “Britain’s Leaders Sail into the Rocky Shore

  1. Nick Lighthouse

    There is nothing worse than a weak man in politics. Britain has been on the rocksmforma long long time. The question about whynghey can’t proud e a strong, common sense leader is a great question. Part of the reason, I think, is that if someone like Churchill came along, they would have him arrested. Strong men are shamed in Britian. In America, it’s not as bad. We can thank Donald Trump for helping kill off all this woke sh$$.

    1. Judy

      Crazy, is t it. Even a strong woman like Margaret Thatcher.

  2. Eye Cat

    “Anyone who lives in any of our major towns and cities can see what is happening and the terrifying speed with which it is changing everything we know. A meme circulating on social media on Christmas Eve, showing a bewildered Santa surrounded by bearded men in traditional Muslim dress, went viral for a reason. “Where the f— am I?” ran the speech bubble from St Nicholas. “You’re in London” replied one of the many Mohammeds.” — Isabel Oakeshott, The Telegraph
    Says it all. Christianity is gone. Islam, an evil, tribal religion is taking over.

  3. mainer

    Bloody Brits. Sad. My relatives are from Wales. What’s up with these pussy PMs?

    1. Greek Senator

      Well, not hard to answer that question. They are weak, beta, feminine “men” who have no manhood left in them. They are the sheep in a fight who walk to the slaughter with their heads hanging down and thinking they are going to the promised land but in reality they go to their political graves. See Gen. Satterfield’s post that relevant here – “ Mistakes Men Make: Part I” 😀

  4. Yusaf from Texas

    I see a shipwreckon the horizon. The leaders of Britain are so taken by their new religion WOKE, that they cannot see that they themselves are the problem by not leading.

  5. Gays for Trump

    Shadow Home Secretary Chris Philp said: “It beggars belief that so many people in the country can’t speak English. “It shows Labour needs to get a grip on immigration, and fast.”


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