Can You Be Less Afraid of Death?

[May 16, 2024]  A question posed by Dr. Jordan Peterson goes something like this, “Can you be less afraid of death?”  That is a classic question for Dr. Peterson; he does this for our benefit.  Put another way, in my words, “Do we fear death too much?”  Dr. Peterson attempts to answer that question in an interview, and his comments are worth considering.

Of course, the smartest of philosophers have addressed the question of death long before the written word.  And rightly so.  We should concern ourselves with death because it is our one sure destiny.  So, what does that mean?

I will quote parts of Dr. Peterson’s interview imperfectly because it is from an interview, and I’m not sure I can capture his exact words, but I will give the gist.

“Can you be less afraid of death?  Maybe if you live your life thoroughly.  You take use of the advantages that are put in front of you, make use of  your talents, say yes to things, tell the truth, stand up and get at it.  Assuming you can do that, you know, because some people are very ill and hurt, but assuming you can do that, I think the only way to combat the fear of death is to live fully.”

 For those who think Dr. Peterson’s thinking is too intellectually deep, please reconsider.  He talks openly to everyone, regardless of IQ, race, religion, status, income, ethnicity, political party, old or young, gender, motivation, family, hobbies, or loves and hates.  I have found his advice to be practical and at least educational.

“I thought about this, and I asked my father, and I asked him, for example, if he could be transformed back into an 18-year-old, knowing what he knows now, would he do it.  And he was ambivalent about that.  He didn’t say no, and he didn’t say yes either.  If you live your life fully, maybe that would be good enough.”

He talks about those things we do as adults, like getting married, having kids, a career, and friends.  And there is something satisfying and fulfilling about doing so.

“I loved having kids, but I don’t feel that I would have kids again because, in some sense I’ve already done that, so maybe there’s a set number of adventures you have to go on in your life.  For example, you have to be married, you have to have kids, a career, you have to have friends, you have to have something useful to do outside of work.  Maybe if you do all of those, it’s like, you’ve had your life, and that’s good enough.”

And here is where Dr. Peterson strays off into the metaphysical.

“Some time ago, I thought that if I could extend my life radically, then I would.  And I’m not so sure about that now.  I’m 55 now and I don’t want my life to come to an end soon, but maybe you exhaust yourself in life until there is nothing left of you.”

As we age into our middle and later years in life, when the kids are gone, and maybe our spouse has passed, and we are at the end of our career or have retired, then we are more likely to think about the end of our life, and that is when we are more like to struggle with the idea of our impending death.

The entire interview and Dr. Peterson’s comments are here (see link).


Please read my books:

  1. “55 Rules for a Good Life,” on Amazon (link here).
  2. “Our Longest Year in Iraq,” on Amazon (link here).
Author: Douglas R. Satterfield

Hello. I provide one article every day. My writings are influenced by great thinkers such as Friedrich Nietzsche, Karl Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Jean Piaget, Erich Neumann, and Jordan Peterson, whose insight and brilliance have gotten millions worldwide to think about improving ourselves. Thank you for reading my blog.

18 thoughts on “Can You Be Less Afraid of Death?

  1. Joe the Aussie

    Cheers! General Satterfield gives us some help here. Take it for what it is. And, look at yourself and others to see that being afraid of death is natural but much of that can be overcome.

    1. DocJeff

      Winston, I think most of us do because it gives us a window into the mind of a small boy who will later grow up to be an Army General and very successful on the battlefields protecting those who would want to be free. Some cultures just want to be controlled, like Iran, Iraq, Russia, China, North Korea, Venezuela, and on and on. Now many of the European nations want to be “ruled” over by a tyrant because it makes their life easy. Laziness is a sin for reasons we might not realize today.

  2. Gilley the Brother

    “I loved having kids, but I don’t feel that I would have kids again because, in some sense I’ve already done that, so maybe there’s a set number of adventures you have to go on in your life. For example, you have to be married, you have to have kids, a career, you have to have friends, you have to have something useful to do outside of work. Maybe if you do all of those, it’s like, you’ve had your life, and that’s good enough.” – Dr. Jordan Peterson. Listen to him carefully. Great quote.

  3. Robin C.

    Great summary of Dr. Peterson’s view of “Can you be less afraid of death?”
    Also, see this youtuber video “Here’s Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid of Dying”
    He gives us suggestions, and they are not easy but they will make you a better person, and with more courage.

    1. Martin Shiell

      Yes, great talk by Dr. Jordan Peterson. Thank you, Gen. Satterfield.

      1. Salvation Army Woke

        We all don’t have to fear death. that is the way of life.

      2. Sadako Red

        I watch all the videos when I can. And they help me immeasurably. 😎

  4. Peigin

    As usual, I come to this site by Gen. Doug Satterfield, and POW, I get hit with good and entertaining information to make sure my life is on the right track. Now, this article, you might think, is for “old people”. and that is not the case. We all need to read this carefully, and listen to the original interview to get a good idea of what Dr. Peterson is talking about. We have a limited time on this earth in our human form, so make good use of that time, and do what is right … always do what is right. Else, you will regret your life forever. But it is NEVER to late to turn to the good.

  5. DaveV

    Excellent analysis, Gen. Satterfield. 😊👀👍😍😀✔😎👏😁🤷‍♂️

      1. Gibbbie

        Great to be on Gen. Satterfield’s leadership forum again, I’ve been out of country and glad to be back to semi-normal.

  6. Wild Bill

    There is nothing like waking up in the morning, getting a cup of coffee, having my dog at my feet, sitting in my easy chair, and reading about Dr. Jordan Peterson. Gen. Satterfield is to be commended on his continued praise of Dr. P. and acknowledge the value given. If you want to learn more about Dr. P, then read his books. That will open your eyes to a new level of being a good person.
    Get your copy today, or a cheaper version on eBay or another used book site. You will be glad you did.

  7. Unwoke Dude

    We love the writings and lectures of Dr. Jordan Peterson. And, I’m happy he did not cow down to the fascists in the Canadian Health organization that wanted to strip him of his license because he was not WOKE.

      1. Marx and Groucho

        Got that right, Watson Bell, good to hear from you again.
        Please get a copy of Gen. Satterfield’s book “55 Rules for a Good Life.”


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